The Royal Blacksmith

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We've been on the Bridge for the past few hours, trying to figure out where to find the next Fangblade. Pythor already has one and we can't let him get another one. All we need is one to beat him after all.

I sigh as I look at all of the evidence on the table. Trying to figure out where the next Fangblade is not easy without a map. If only we can get a copy of it somehow... 

"They got the first one, but there are three more, and we just need one to stop Pythor. They have a map, and we don't, so the question remains: how are we gonna find the rest"

"Exactly what I was thinking Nya. We need a way to find at least one before Pythor gets to it because then, he won't be able to resurrect the Great Devourer."

Jay stares longly at Nya with a lovesick smile on his face. "Still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious Samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?"

Kai rolls his eyes, annoyed at the fact that his sister and Jay are closer than ever thanks to his plan from stopping them from getting close didn't work. It did the complete opposite. "We're over that. Can we move on?"

"Someone's a little hot under the collar," Jay mumbles under his breath.

I snicker at his comment. "A little?"

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his like you and I have, Jay," Zane interjects before a fight breaks out.

"Ha! Nice one Zane," I say fist-bumping him.

"Great observation, Mr. Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either," Kai responds annoyed.

"Hey! What about me? Sensei said I can get my true potential too!"

"We both know that can't be true. We all have elemental weapons, and what about you? You just have fans."

"Excuse me?! And what if I'm the Master of Wind?! Huh?! I am coming for your throat Smith!"

Before I even get near Kai, Cole's eyes widen in realization.

"I got it!"

"You've unlocked it!? Oh, why am I the only one!?" Kai shouts out in frustration.

I almost burst out laughing at his frustration. Gotta say, it just irritates him more. Still can't believe I relied on that stubborn idiot before.

"No, I figured out where another Fangblade is. I have a picture of it." Cole quickly heads out and comes back in with a picture book. He flips through it before stopping at a photo of the Fangblade as a... trophy?

Jay smiles brightly. "That's it!"

 "Why is it a trophy?" I ask curiously. Wouldn't it be heavily guarded somewhere else? Not as some trophy? 

"Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup. My dad's won it multiple times." Cole says looking at the photo longingly. Almost as if he was missing his father.

"You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?" Zane asks curiously.

"Oh, h-he's a, uh...a blacksmith."

"Ooo a blacksmith? Didn't know you had a blacksmith background."

"Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition—"

"That's because he's not a "blacksmith" blacksmith. He's a...." He trails off before turning the page of the album revealing his father as a dancer in a leotard.

Everyone snickers while I try to hold back, but it's just too easy to laugh at. I'm so sorry Cole. I can't help myself.

"That's your dad?" Jay asks.

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