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Ever since Lloyd released the Serpentine onto Ninjago, our peace was soon broken and we've been training nonstop. Although this threat isn't Lord Garmadon, this threat is still pretty major. If all of the Serpentine Tombs were to be opened, then it would be the end of Ninjago as we know it. Training is a must. We can't let it fall.


I raise one of my metal fans up to my face, a training dummy quickly approaching me from the front and behind. I slow my breathing and decide to strike. I throw one of my fans at the dummy in front of me causing it to fall down as I quickly turn around, using my other fan to block the ax that the dummy swung at me. I struggle to push it back but, before I know it, my feet are stuck in ice and the training dummy is completely frozen. 

"Uh what just happened guys?" I ask trying to pull myself out of the ice.

Kai walks over to me, using his sword to melt the ice around my feet. "Zane happened." 

Once it was melted enough, Kai pulled me out and carried me to the others. "This roof isn't big enough for the five of us. He nearly froze the kid."

"I'm fine, Kai."

"Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him," Cole says as he gestures to Zane. 

"He's certainly... different. But still, he's trying and besides, we're all different." I look over to the blonde seeing he bows to one of the training dummies but it hits him instead.

"It's like he's in his own world. I bet he can't even hear us!" Jay shouts out to the white ninja, but of course, he simply doesn't hear it.

Sensei Wu walks over to us, hearing our conversation about Zane.

"Sensei, Zane's... weird," Kai says putting me downstairs.  

"What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?"

"No Sensei, he's weird weird." Cole says

~ Flashback~

Cole is using the bathroom when the door opens as Zane comes in to brush his teeth. 

"Do you mind?!


Jay and Nya are watching a sad romantic TV show, the lovers are saying goodbye in the show and Jay and Nya are in tears.

Then all they hear is Zane laughing at the sad moment, they just turn to Zane with an angry expression.


Kai walks over to the fridge to get a late-night time snack, but when he opens the door to it, all he sees is Zane sitting in the fridge.

"Gah! Holy baloney!"

"I'm sorry, I consumed the last of the deli meat. Cheese?"


I'm in the kitchen eating some ice cream as Zane sits across from me, reading a book. My ice cream starts to melt, "Aw. I wish it wasn't melting."

Zane proceeds to take out one of his shurikens and taps it over my ice cream completely freezing it and my hands. "Uh, thanks?"

~End of Flashback~

"We like the guy, he's really smart. He's just... a little off sometimes." Kai says. 

"Zane is a brother and brothers and sisters are often different. I should know." Sensei says as he reminisces a bit about Garmadon.

Before the conversation continued, we all hear the doorbell ring meaning it was mail day. All the ninja run towards the door, excited as to what they would receive today. They slam open the large gates of the monastery to reveal a panting Postman. Poor man, must've been extremely tired after walking up all those stairs. 

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