Rise Of The Snakes

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Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all: Lord Garmadon. So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, and his student, Y/n, sought out to find four ninjas to collect them first.


It'd been a few days since the five ninjas saw Lord Garmdaon escape the Underworld. They didn't know what to expect after he escaped. After all, this was their first-ever big mission and it was only a few days after they all met. However, once they returned home, it seemed as if peace was brought upon Ninjago and everything was quiet. But, that peace can only last for so long.


I stared at the ninja curiously as they played their video game, shouting for power-ups and XP. Why were they playing such strange games? Didn't we do something similar to this? Shouldn't we all be training right now? Why am I not training myself?  I couldn't pull away, no matter how hard I tried. It's just all so fascinating to watch. Maybe it's because I have never seen a "video game" before. I-

"Hey y/n! Playing is a lot more fun than watching you know. You should do more kid stuff like this," Cole said to me as he gestured to his controller, snapping me from my thoughts.

They really need to stop referring to me as a kid. Sure I am one but, I'm much more than that! I'm not just a kid... This wasn't the first time they referred to me as a child either. Ever since we all first met, it's been kid this and kid that. It gets... frustrating hearing them say it so often. I'm a ninja too, right?

I process everything he says for a moment before turning to the black ninja, "Well, to be honest, I don't really know how to play these sort of games. It is my first time seeing something like this." I smile sheepishly.

The four boys just stared at me with shocked expressions but, before any of them got to say anything, Sensei Wu came barging into the room and quickly unplugged the TV. And started the annoyed groans from the ninjas.

"That took us three hours! Why would you do that?! Why?!" Jay shouted out in anger and frustration. They did spend a lot of time on that "video game," I watched them do it all. I really need to prioritize what I need my top priorities.

"Unplugging the TV did seem a bit harsh Sensei Wu. They did spend a lot of time on it," I said.

They all jump onto my statement and start using it to attack the old man for unplugging the TV. That's when  Sensei Wu slammed his staff into the ground, causing us to look at him and go completely quiet. Sensei Wu may be old, but he's scary.

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjistu!" The old man said as he pulled on his beard in frustration.

"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace," Zane stated out before Jay followed.

"Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save, nothing to do."

I mean, they weren't wrong. But they weren't right either.

"We can train tomorrow Sensei," Cole said as he laid down.

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." Words of wisdom right here.

The brothers only had bored expressions on their faces as Sensei said that. I sighed knowing that they may never get to any actual training. Sure, I spent the same time watching them play video games for three hours but, in my defense, it was just all so fascinating to watch! 

"Well I was going to eat this pizza-" I see Cole reach out for a pizza slice across from him before Sensei Wu kicks it away from him.

"No pizza for you! In order for you to reach your full potential, you all must train."

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