Bringing back Confidence

Start from the beginning

"Yes....sorry for the it..." Said Zhan and placed some money on the table and he walked out of the room. It was looking like as if a tornado crossed the room.

"Are you happy Yibo....." Asked Zhan.

"Yes...." Said Yibo smiling.

"I can finally take part.....but....was it do something like that....." Asked Yibo.

"Yes Yibo.....they need to be teached a lesson..." Said Zhan.

In XIAO mansion
Everyone were sitting together.

"After three week Yibo's and Lanren's exam are going to both should study hard...."said Ziyi.

" yes mom..."said Yibo.

"Yes aunty..." Said Lanren.

After the dinner everyone went back to their room. Zhan and Yibo were back too.

"Zhan you think....ut was right for me ro take part....I mean....others are alphas afterall" Asked Yibo.

" you believe yourself...." Asked Zhan and Yibo nodded.

"That is only important Yibo nothing other than that are no less than those alphas Yibo.....understand...." Said Zhan and Yibo smiled.

"Thanks Zhan ge..." Said Yibo.

"Hmm...just thanks will not work....I want something...." Said Zhan.

"What...." Asked Yibo.

"Like....hmm.....a .....kiss...." Said Zhan and Yibo pressed Zhan's lips without a warning to give a quick peck.

"Wow....that was too fast....maybe I should have wished something different....I had such a great opportunity...." Said Zhan looking at Yibo's groin.

"Don't even think about are not getting it...." Said Yibo while hiding his groin with his hands and ran to his bed.

Zhan chukkled and he walked to the bed too.

Next day
After Yibo came back from school he went straight to his room.

"Yibo....I want to show you something.... Get fresh and come down stairs...okay...." Said Zhan.

"Okay...." Said Yibo's and Zhan left the room.

After sometime Yibo came downstairs.

"Come with me Yibo...." Said Zhan and took Yibo with him to a door. Zhan opened the door and Yibo saw it was a groove corridor, well furnished and well lighted. They walked through the corridor and reached a room. Zhan opened the door and they entered inside.

Yibo looked around and saw it was a large gym with many equipments.

"Woah....there is a gym in this house...." Said Yibo looking around with shimmering eyes.

" asked to make it while building this house for me, because they wanted me to live with them but I never this room is still untouched....though it is cleaned everyday..." Said Zhan.

"Ooo....but why are we here...." Asked Yibo.

"I want you to practice here...." Said Zhan.

"What for....I am not going on a war..." Said Yibo.

"I want to make you stronger than any alpha...." Said Zhan.

"Zhan ge....what's the use of wasting your time here......I am a omega....How can I become strong from Alphas....its useless..." Said Yibo.

Zhan went inside and came out with a earthen pot in his hand. Zhan picked up a hand wrap bandage and wrapped it around Yibo's hand as he knew because of the medications Yibo's skin had became vulnerable to cuts.

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