It's Time

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"Do you know the oldest mystery of Orario?"

A whisper said to no one, the streets of Orario being crowded as usual, walking in and out of the dungeon, adventures and merchants talking.


"There called the Time Guardians."

"There's a clock somewhere in the Guild and if you find it."

"You can move the hands and Orairo's time will be in your command."

"But there are three guardians protecting it."

"And if they catch you using it..."

"Your life is Over."

The whisper disappears, and the day of Orario continues as normal.


"So that's the rumor."

A brown haired girl said to an orange haired girl as they walked with their other friends to a Pub.

"Is that so?"

Replied by the orange haired girl, having a little sweat drops as she watches her friends chat.

"(Another rumor from one of my friends, where do they even hear it from?"

Thought by the orange girl as they entered the establishment, and already sitting towards a booth.

As they ordered their meals, they all talked as Lefiya thought of something.

"(Another mystery.... could they be the traitor?)"

The elf thought as she chats away to her friends.

"(*sigh* Bell-kun will eventually make me meet them.)"

After that thought the elf dismissed of thinking of any super natural business and now enjoyed hang out with her friends.

But her hopes were shattered, when their first discussion was about super naturals.

Lefiya internally screamed, frightening some usakichi who were stealing some carrots from the kitchen.


"Hmm, the time guardians?"

Asked the white haired ghost as he plays some cards with some usakichis and Filvis.

"Yeah, apparently their rumors been going out lately."

Answered by the orange haired elf, also picking up some cards from the deck.

"I see, well there the most special mystery out of all of us, firstly there are three of them."

Surprising the elf.

"If I remember correctly, they have a their own specific power over time."

Said by the raven haired elf, who grabs a card from the deck.

"Yep, one controls the past, the present, and the future."

The white haired ghost replied, as he gets a card from usakichi, much to their displeasure.

"But why bring that up Lefiya?"

He said glancing at the elf who was pouting at the usakichi who took 1 of her cards.

"Eh? Because isn't there a traitor in the seven?"


After receiving her answer he continued to look at his card.

Dungeon-bound Bell-kunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora