16th Floor Passageway part 2

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The image above would be the new character.


We see our team of trio walking through the forest.

"(Hmm, so this is the a boundary of a super natural.)"

Lefiya thought as she looks around the forest, other than the path they were walking at she couldn't find anything else.

They kept on walking until they found a torii gate, past the gate they could see a bunch of boxes and chest sitting there making it look more like the dungeon.


Filvis spoke catching the ghost's attention.

"Hm? "

"Nothing has come after us yet, I thought this spirit would come and fights us already."

"Ohh, is this your first time in a boundary? For shame Filvis-chan and here I thought you could exorcise me."

Poking the black haired elf, making the elf really wanting to exorcise him right here right now.

"Whelp to answer your question, where would the fun be if it ends so quickly?"

"Killing them slowly, taking your limbs very slowly that's the fun part."

Putting his hands in a creepy positions, and hearing him say about killing and limb taking, Lefiya mind raced getting more worried for Aki's safety.

"Your sick."

Filvis said giving him a disgust look.

"Whelp duh."

"We're one of the 7 biggest mysteries of Orario, as the pillars that governs super naturals and mortals in Orario, we have to be known to as much people as possible."

Bell said as he floats over to the top of the gate, making a dramatic point.

"That's why we frighten people."

"Think about it, who would leave you a memorable impression a nice spirit who does good thing, or a spirit who does scary things?"

Bell said giving them a smile, as he descends down to other side of the gate.

"But still, this is has gone to far this time, so we have to stop this."

Following his lead, they went past the gate and once they do, the gate and the whole forest disappear making it so no one can go back.

"Eto Bell-"

Lefiya was interrupted by a gust of wind.


They hear a sweet humming being carried by the wind, until the hum started talking.

"Hello, this is Hotaru and I used to be an adventurer here, in one of this sudden corridors of the dungeon. I was killed and torn into pieces...."

Lefiya was no stranger of the danger of the dungeon, but hearing a story of an adventure die is still hurts her.

"So could please find my body?"


"First please, find my right arm, I used that arm to fight with my sword."

"Please do hurry, monsters could spawn anytime."

The whisper stopped, and after that a huge hourglass was seen in the sky and the sand started to fall.

"What just happened?"

Lefiya asked with a blank look, wondering what just happened.

"It seems this spirit wants us to play a game."

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