SS- Sick day

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This is before the confession tree and after the 16th floor passage way and Filvi's decision also another incorrect generator at the end added Filvis and a bit of Aki and Hayato.

You can consider this as a crack chapter

Also this was hardest thing I wrote, my mind went blank for hours, I starred at this blank page I knew what I wanted to write I just didn't know how.


"(Hello everyone, It's your main heroin Lefiya here.)" Lefiya narrated, stealing my job, I get it being the narrator is a high honor, I also wanted to be like the narrator from Stanley Parable  or from  battleblock theater but jeez this hurts me I have a hamster to take care of.

"(And right now I'm currently at the library inside my home, currently being taught by my mentor Riveria Ljos Alf *yawn*, she's teaching me about Flare Burn, a magic developed by elves who don't need a falna.)" Lefiya continued to stealing my job and it seemed like she was getting sleepy.

"-So Lefiya do you understand our lesson today? Lefiya?"

Riveria asked again, turning around she sees Lefiya laying down on the table sleeping.

"*sigh* You've been pushing your self too hard lately."

She said as she gently tries to wake her up, but as she touched her shoulder her finger grazed her neck and she felt it burning.

"*sigh* And you seem to catch a cold."

Sighing once again she quickly lifted Lefiya on her back, to put on her room.


"Hmmm, where's Lefiya?"

Bell asked no one in particularly, he just asked his two wisps.

"It's already after noon, she should have been here a couple of hours ago."

Bell said as he continued wondering down the corridors of the 1st floor of the dungeon.

"Maybe she been attacked? But my protection spell should still be active."

"Maybe she's still training? or could it be she was ordered for an errand?"

"Should I go check?"

He thought, but he shook his head remembering a certain wolf living there.


Crossing his arms into an X.


Bell continued to think of a way to know where Lefiya was until he sees a usakichi.

Seeing usakichi Orion floated above his head and glowed.

"Nee, you do you want a crepe? If you want it  can you do me a little favor?"

Mentioning the crepe, it got it's full attention.


Returning back to the Twilight mansion, we see Lefiya being treated by Riveria.

"*sigh* It seems Elfy is at the dungeon."

Riveria sighed again, as she places a cold towel at Lefiya's forehead.


Lefiya let out a cute sneeze, due to the sensation of the cold towel Lefiya woke up.

"Oh your awake now, you should rest a bit more I'll go get you some water."

As Riveria left the room, Lefiya looked around her side to see a usakichi sleeping beside her.

Feeling the comfortable coziness, causing her some drowsiness so she accepted it and doze off to sleep

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