"I don't know. I just felt that I was going to fall down. Must be I am stressing myself." I replied. "See... I told you not to stress yourself." Can said while he fished out his cell phone and called for the maid and instructed to get her something.

Soon, the maid appeared carrying a glass of juice. Can grabbed it and handed it to me while asking me to drink. I took the glass while pouting and brought it to my nose and then the smell of lemon just invaded my nostril. Suddenly, the juice felt like the most delicious thing and I gulped it down in a go. I felt little better after having drunk the juice.

"Can I get one more?" I asked with pleading tone. "Sure but after the wedding ceremony." Can replied. "But I want now!!" I insisted. "Pete, you have to walk out now. I will ask the maid to keep the glass ready. You can drink it after the ceremony is over. It won't take long." Can tried to coax me. I made a pouting face while looking at him.

"Fine!!" Can let out a frustrated sigh and then turned towards the maid. "Get another glass of juice quickly." He instructed. The maid nodded and disappeared only to appear soon with another glass. As soon as she approached, I grabbed the glass and finished it off. I felt much better this time. As if my hunger had been satisfied.

"Now you are smiling." Can stated while I placed the glass back on the tray. He gestured the maid to leave as he turned towards me. "Feeling better?" he inquired and I nodded in response while smiling widely.

Soon it was time and the doors were opened. I wrapped my arm around Can's arm as we began walking in the direction of the stage. As soon as we entered the huge hall, I saw a large number of audience present. Men and women, all dressed in their high pricey clothes were sitting patiently in their seats. I swept my gaze through the audience and saw some faces belonging to the high profile people.

I can see everyone's gaze fixed on me while we passed through the middle. Some of the top class businessmen too were present for the wedding. Now, it seemed to be normal wedding to me. Only thing, it was all filled with only wealthy people.

Can guided me through the place and then helped me climb the stairs. Finally, I was standing in front of the love of my life who was smiling brightly at me. As the priest began the ceremony, Ae winked at me giving me a naughty grin. My eyes widened in surprise and I tried to compose myself.

We repeated the vows and exchanged the rings. And finally, it was time to kiss. Ae stepped closer and held my hand while he slowly leaned forward. I closed my eyes as he slowly pressed his lips to mine.

It was a different feeling now. Not the one I usually felt. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss. I felt the best feeling ever of being complete. This moment was the best one of my life. He pulled away and then smiled at me. "I love you my cute wife." He teased.

"Ae~" I whined and I can see him letting out a husky laugh. Cheers erupted from the crowd and Ae turned around to greet everyone.

After the ceremony, everyone shifted to enjoy the party while I asked Can to get me another glass of lemon juice. "Are you alright? This is the third glass of lemon juice you are asking." Can spoke in concern. "I am fine khrab Can. I just feel better after drinking it. May be it's because it is helping me calm down or may be because I was really very anxious and have been not taking care of myself." I tried to reason out.

"That's why I had been telling you to take care of yourself and have your meals on time. I am sure you would have skipped them. Isn't it?" Can nagged. I felt like a child whose mother had caught him red handed while throwing the food. I nodded my head guiltily and kept quiet. "See... I knew it. Now you will have what the maids are bringing and you are not allowed to skip food. I will be really annoyed if you do. But before that, let me scold Ae for having been busy and didn't pay attention to you." Can said and stormed out of the place. I am sure Ae was going to get an earful.

After sometime, the two brothers appeared and I can see Ae holding the glass of juice in his hand while Can held a tray. They placed it in front of me. I looked at Ae who looked like a kicked puppy. "You are not feeling well?" Ae inquired.

"A bit.... But I am fine now." I assured. "Have this... You will feel better." Can said placing the tray in front of me. It contained cookies and their smell made my mouth water. I immediately grabbed one and shoved it into my mouth and began to munch it happily. The taste felt like heaven and I just closed my eyes enjoying every bit of it.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Ae and Can looked at me with confused face. "What's wrong?" I questioned. "You look kinda different. Are you sure you are fine? You are behaving like you haven't eaten cookies before." Ae stated. "Ae!! These cookies are really delicious. Try them." I said while encouraging the two to have one each. They both looked at me and then moved to pick the cookies up. They took a bite and the munched it for a while. "This tastes the same. Must be you have been hungry that's why you felt it delicious." Ae said while pushing the glass towards me. This time it contained orange juice instead of lemon but I still gulped it down in happiness.

After I finished the small meal, Ae ushered me out to meet the guests. I met a lot of people who complimented my looks and congratulated me on the wedding. I smiled at everyone as they introduced themselves and then tried to start the conversation. But all this while, Ae didn't leave me for a second. He had his arms wrapped around my waist protectively while we walked through the crowd meeting and greeting everyone.

The music was playing in the background and I can see some couples moving slowly at the rhythm. I felt the urge too. But just like all times, Ae read my mind and soon I found myself in the middle of the people dancing to the rhythm. It was a soft song, romantic and calm so Ae kept swaying our bodies together. I remembered the day when Ae had proposed me.

"Thank you Ae... For the beautiful wedding. I will never be able to forget this day." I said sincerely. Right now, I couldn't even find the words to describe my feelings. Words were not enough to describe how I felt at the moment.

"I am finally happy!! I couldn't ask for anything more. I am married to you and we are going to stay together forever. What else can I ask for?" Ae said while leaning closer and pressing his forehead to mine. Those sincere words made my heart flutter and I just wanted this moment to last forever. I was finally married.........

The Mafia's Doll (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now