Sherlock: Hero

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We finished the date and Tom drove me home, he gave me an overly passionate kiss goodbye. I opened the door to see Sherlock, pissed off.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He shouted.
"You reek of alcohol." I told him.
"I was at the bar." He said standing
"I'm sorry about Troy I-"
"Why are you so dressed up?" He asked, stepping closer.

"Ummm... My d-dad wanted me to go on a d-date with...." I trailed off.
"With who?!" he shouted.
"T-T-Tom." I said.

"How could you?!"
"Sherlock I-"
"Shut it!"
"My dad-"
"Fuck your dad! I can't have you dating other men!"

His hands balled up into fist. For a moment I thought he might hit me.

"At least he treats me right." I mumbled.
"What?! So it takes two men to please you! If he really knew you he wouldn't want you!" He yelled.

There was a knock at the door.

"I bet that's your Prince Charming." Sherlock spat.

"Did you kiss him?" he snarled.

He pushed me back hard, I stumbled and tripped over the coffee table smacking my head on a mug.

"Shit." Sherlock mumbled.
"No shit, Sherlock." I whispered
"I'm so sorry I-"

"Is there a problem here?" Tom asked entering the house.

Well... this looks bad.

"No, Sh-she fell..."
"It didn't sound like it." Tom said.

Tom squatted down next to me.

"Get away from her." Sherlock warned.
"Excuse me?" Tom asked.
"You heard me."

Tom stood up, Sherlock was about to punch him but Tom caught his fist.

"You're not as good when you're intoxicated." Tom said as he punched Sherlock. Sherlock fell to the ground unconscious.

"Come on." Tom said helping me up. He helped me get into his car and drove me to his place.

"I guess we can watch that movie now." he smiled walking me over to the couch. He cleaned me up

"Nothing to bad. A few band-aids and you'll be good to go."
"Thanks." I said.

"I'm sorry this had to happen."
"Me too."
"Lets watch that movie." he suggested.

He made popcorn and got a big blanket. I popped the DVD in and sat on the couch. He sat next to me and we shared a blanket. A quarter of the way through he put his arm around me. Half way through I placed my head on his chest. I fell asleep, before the movie ended.

I woke up on top of Tom laying on the couch. I got up and started making breakfast.

"Morning, darling." He smiled, rubbing his eye. His morning hair was sort of sexy...

"Morning." I said, putting the plates down.
"Can you stop being so perfect?" He asked, I blushed and we started eating.


I checked my phone. 42 missed calls and 57 messages all from Sherlock.

I sighed.

"Something wrong?" Tom questioned.
"No, just Sherlock."
"Oh... Want me to drive you back?"
"Not yet."

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