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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

Amelia felt a bit guilty. She didn't tell Y/N that after their fun little Cafe date, Jimin had been texting her. Y/N had told her about her attraction to her music professor. There was no way he was as adorable as their spunky dance teacher.

Immediately after leaving the cafe, Jimin texted her.

I know I'm supposed to be your teacher and tell me if I cross a line but would you want to go out sometime?

Amelia squealed in delight in the middle of the campus parking lot. Oops. She looked around, really hoping no one heard or saw her tiny little dance but it didn't look like anyone was paying attention.

I would love to! You're definitely not crossing a line. When are you free?

Hmm... how about tonight? If you're not busy anyway and that's not too soon.

I'd love to! I'm not busy. Even if she had been she would have canceled her plans for a chance with him. What time were you thinking? And did you want to meet up somewhere or come pick me up? Or I could pick you up if you prefer...

Don't be silly. Of course I'll come pick you up. As long as you don't mind letting me knowing where you live.

I don't mind at all. I'll need some time to get ready. Is 7 okay?

Of course, beautiful. I'll see you at 7.

She really didn't need that much time to get ready but she needed some time to get her nerves up before she met Jimin. It was only 1:30 pm now and she didn't really have anything else to do so she decided to go shopping. She may as well treat herself to something nice. Maybe she'd find something she could wear for her date with Jimin tonight. Date? Was that right? He did call her beautiful and he did technically ask her out so why not consider it a date.

She pulled up to the mall parking lot, figuring that would be the best place to get everything she needed for tonight.

Amelia had been single for a few years now and she didn't really know where to start. The dates she had been on had been pretty terrible. No one she was ever excited about seeing so this was completely new for her. She was excited, nervous, and completely giddy. All she could think about was how she wanted to run her fingers through Jimin's hair and pull him into a rough kiss. She wasn't going to let her mind go any farther than that in public but she couldn't wait to see where the night took them.

Okay, first things first. Clothes. Where would be the best place to shop for clothes? Maybe a boutique? Amelia find one as soon as she walked in.

"Can we help you? An incredibly wrinkly old lady with a nasty nasally voice asked.

"Um, yes please. I'm looking for a dress for a date I have tonight."

"A date?" The lady rolled her eyes. "I guess some of us still get those. Our prices are a little high. Are you sure you can afford us?"

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