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You met up with Amelia at a little Cafe outside the university, close enough that you could walk

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You met up with Amelia at a little Cafe outside the university, close enough that you could walk.

After you both order your sandwiches, you sat down at your table, waiting.

"So, my last class was more than interesting," you stated.

She raised her brows, "Oh? Interesting in a good way or a bad way?"

"Um, I'm not really sure. I was forced to play the imperial march on the piano in front of the whole class so that wasn't so great," you winced. "But Professor Min offered to tutor me one on one to improve my piano skills so I must have at least sounded decent." You shrugged.

Amelia looked at you like you had two heads. "Are you crazy? You're not considering it though, are you? If he's that intimidating in front of a whole class just imagine how much more awkward and intimidating he'll be when it's just the two of you."

"Not to mention the fact that he is actually incredibly good looking," you mumbled.

"What was that? I did not just hear what I think you said, did I? Well, you do you. If you want to do it, then go for it. It's your funeral," she chuckled.

"I might," you mused, "but anyway, how are your other classes? I know about dance, but I don't even know which other classes you're taking."

"Oh, they're great. I'm taking a cooking course that the dean is teaching. He's really great. It's an evening class. You should come with me sometime. He said he doesn't mind if we bring people with us as long as he knows beforehand so he has enough supplies ready. Otherwise, I'm taking a History course and a science course. Both professors are female."

"That's great," you said, "I'd love to come to your cooking class sometime. I could definitely use a refresher on how to cook a good meal".

"It's been pretty basic so far, but everything has been delicious."

"Well, we are only on our second day". We both laughed.

"Yeah, and you've somehow managed to soften the hardest professor."

"I don't know about that, but I guess we'll see". You shrugged.

Your sandwiches arrived just as you saw an unexpected sight. Professor Taehyung, Professor Jungkook, and Jimin all walked through the door together. They were all dressed casually but they still managed to get everyone's attention with their superb looks, kind eyes, and dreamy smiles. Amelia was facing away so she didn't see but she noticed your eyes go wider.

"What is it?" She asked.

You nodded toward the door and as she turned around you could see the slight blush on her cheeks.

They all noticed you immediately and smiled, walking over to where you sat before ordering.

"Hello ladies," Jimin smiled, "since you're already here, do you mind if we join you?"

"Of course, be our guest."

The three men smiled, ordered and came back. Jimin sat down next to Amelia without any hesitation first, Professor Taehyung sat next to you, and Professor Jungkook sat at the end. Well, now you were both trapped in by three incredibly hot men who just happened to be your professors. Now what do you do?

"This is my friend Amelia," you say, glancing over at your Art professors, "we met in Dance class. Amelia, this is Professor Taehyung sitting beside me and Professor Jungkook next to him".

"Please, just call us Jungkook and Taehyung when we're not in class," Jungkook says.

"Alright," you smile with a slight blush, "are the three of you friends or just coworkers that happened to go to lunch together?"

Jimin smiled the brightest smile, "Taehyung and I are best friends. We went to school together before coming to work here, and when he introduced me to Jungkook we instantly hit off and became friends too. Maybe we can all be friends." He winked at Amelia, and she blushed. Oh, she definitely had a crush. On a teacher. And it seemed like he may like her back. You weren't sure if that would be appropriate in the university's eyes but if it made her happy, you thought she should go for it.

Amelia nodded while you responded, "We would love that! I know you're our professors, but I really enjoy both classes and I know Amelia loves our Dance class. Maybe we could meet up for lunch after class once a week?"

"I'd love to!" Jimin said immediately. His voice always seemed bright and cheery. The other two men smiled. Taehyung spoke, "If we're free that day, we'd love to too but there are days when we have extra work or tutoring. Just let us know and we'll join you".

The rest of lunch went by comfortably, the five of you chatting about your lives and getting to know each other. It didn't feel like you were out with your professors but instead out with your new friends. Part of you wanted to stay in this moment forever and never leave.

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