Chapter 20-Family Life

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When we are together we make the most of it. Jay has found she loves to cook. So when she is home we try new recipes and old ones. For her birthday Dakota and I got her a new grill and smoker. We go on family outings and pay bills. We swim, take walks, and just be. Jay always rocks Koda to sleep because most of the time she is gone before she wakes up. Its hard but we try to keep to a schedule. 

We make love and cuddle. We talk about what we want in the future and what we want now. She tells me her biggest fears and I tell her mine. I finally know what was going on behind those eyes a bit back. She has the same fears I do. The same what ifs? I try my hardest each day, each moment, each second to reassure her that she is the one I want and I know she does that same. 

We buy new clothes for her to keep home and some for me to keep in the truck. We started a separate account for our daughter. Yes our daughter. She may not have her DNA but she definitely have some of her personality. Like that little side grin when she's up to something she probably shouldn't. My daughter gives that to me when she's in the bathtub and is about to splash me. Jay gives that to me when we're in bed and she's about to start something that I know that she can finish.

Jay had mentioned she would love a garage to house the van I now own and wants to have her dad help build it. Driving the truck to a doctor's appointment is not convenient by any means and parking is a bitch.  She talks about wanting us to visit her family in Idaho. We have met via face time and I love her mom. She is so sweet. She sent me a knitted blanket for Dakota. She has shared recipes with me of some favorites. Her heart is huge. I know where Jay gets it from. and her dad has asked me multiple times how well-behaved his daughter is because if not she would find out. Jay tells me that means a trip to the barn where a Stern talking two is about to happen. Her parents didn't believe in carpal punishment but I was told more than once that cleaning out the barn, and picking up after their dogs was just as bad. At least from a 10 year old's point of view.

And when we are not together we take it day to day and at times hour by hour. We text, send videos, voice messages. We also play games.

Like the one where she dared me to take my vibrator into a truck stop shower and send her the video. I made it good too thank god for the chair in there.

I dared her to do a strip tease to the song  Try by Pink. She did not disappoint . I could tell the she was a little bit uncomfortable but when she close her eyes she said it all faded away. That she was dancing just for me.

We also have a cup of questions that we pick from. Just things like biggest fantasy described in detail. Sending lists of red, yellow, and green things we won't try, maybe with caution and hell yes do it anytime. We both take the BDSM test and send the results to each other. Some are funny like what is your stripper name or would you rather.

One was just about names we liked for children. We both like names what have meaning. We talk about adoption and when do we want to add to our family.  If we are going to send them, Koda included to pre school. Spanking yes or no? We are choosing not to use corporal punishment. Simply based on the fact that if you love somebody you don't hit them. For us that is what's right. Dating ages? We think it should be the same for boys and girls. But maturity also comes into effect.Chores and such. We both agreed that if a child wants an animal they are going to be responsible for that animal. Teaching responsibility and empathy and love. All kinds of things. 

It keeps things fun and fresh. We also watch the same movie together or same show. Other times we talk about our day. Good bad or ugly. 

Communication made the friendship and it will keep the relationship. When both people want it and are willing to work at it it's easy. Or easier rather.

We also started this thing where I hide a note and a small present for her to find in her truck and does the same in mine or the house. So far I hidden a bag of jolly ranchers, a new pair of boxers, a pair of my undies, a tiny bird and a custom belt buckle.

I got lucky on this one. I collect things for her. I found a peanut butter candle in Oklahoma, a pair of rainbow slides in Pennsylvania, a butterfly made of shells in Florida and some peach flavored candy in Georgia. Then there was the fun stuff I ordered. Edible body paint, four point restraints, nipple clamps, and a few more items. We agree to try anything once and often we like it or change it up so we love it. 

What she does not know is I also found her engagement ring. A little shop in a strip mall in Washington. I went in there to have the clasp on my chain fixed while on a lay over and walked out with a ring and fixed chain. And of course I could not forget about my little angel. I have begun collecting charms. Unique ones, ones that I put on a bracelet for her. I plan to give it to her on her 16th birthday. By then I think there'll be more than one.

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