Chapter 7- Trial and error

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As I cruise along interstate 88 I can't help but think about Emma and her little girl. I have come to welcome the banter between us more then I care to admit or should. I also love the pictures and videos she sends me of Thumbelina. She is getting big, at least a lot bigger then she was when I helped deliver her that fateful night a few months ago.

And sense it's just me in my head, at least I think. I will admit I am falling for a certain young lady. Her voice is like velvet. Soft at times but rough if rubbed the wrong way. She has a wicked sense of humor. She gives as much as she takes. She is always saying sweet things to me. Asking if I had eaten or got enough sleep or if I did my log books, or if I remembered to get my .... checked.

She is the last message before I go to sleep and the first when I open my eyes. Her and Koda are my lock screen and wallpaper on my phone. I even have a box for stuff I found for them. Just random stuff like a salt shaker with boobs, some candy that is Kimchi flavored, a stuffed cow with a tutu and ballerina flats and the best thing?  Matching shirts that say "I am loved by a trucker". 

 I shake my head as I look for a spot to pull my rig in to get that amazing pizza I was promised. Six slices and an hour later I'm back on the road. I am not disappointed. Not only is the place beautiful but there prices are decent and the staff friendly.  The kind of place I could see lots of proposals happening at. The whole town seemed like a great place to visit. Small town feel and from what I am told two colleges. 

--------Emmas Pov----

You have no clue how glad I am that I chose to do a short run as my first one.   Being back in the rig after four and a half months off is a real bitch. On top of that Koda has had explosive diarrhea and more then one blow out. I had to pull over and wipe her down from head to toe it was that bad and the rig smells like a dirty gas station toilet. 

I was worried so I called her pediatrician and answered some questions. All is well I am told. Could be from her shots or from something I ate and passed on threw my milk. Who knew this shit? Not me but I do now.

Being as our first trip is only a day one I didn't pack a lot so side trip it is into a family dollar. I learned my lesson and purchased extra everything as well as a few shirts and PJ bottoms because smelling like baby poo is not my idea of a good day.

Worst part about it? She laughed as she shit herself. I thought I heard something and then I smelt it and started gagging. My little innocent angel farts and smells like a grown man. I am glad it's warm out because I had to open my window. It was bad. I made the decision that diapers will be short lived if I can help it.

I sent off a message to Phoenix before I got back on the road. With in minutes I got a voice message back and for the second time that day I was laughed at. I sent one back. Two words, simple and to the point. Fuck you. I got back "any time". I almost choked on my own spit but knew I had to say something in return  " Only if its hot and kinky, ass slapping is a must" 

He sends me "Its always hot when I'm involved and as kinky as you will allow." 

Holy hell. I start to imagine what it would be like but I don't have hours. I have a cranky child who wants a rocking chair and her own bed, and her mother wants to have a certain trucker pull her hair, slap her ass and f*** her 10 ways from Sunday.

The rest of our test journey went by fast and uneventful. Thank heavens.  I am not sure I can do this if you want honesty. It was hard to make sure her needs were met as well as pay attention to the road.  I have a lot of thinking to do over the next few days.

And let's add injury to insult I think I overstepped a boundary with Phoenix. I have been getting short responses sense earlier. I mean I get he is busy it's just odd. After a quick shower and snack I head to bed.

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