Chapter 10- Something's just don't matter

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Those two months flew by fast and before I knew it I was back in Texas. I dropped Dallas off home late last night so she could spend some time with friends but I know she will show up with her family in a few days. She has been a dream because of her I have been able to start making a living again. She is amazing with Dakota and wants to learn everything about the rig. Every chance she gets she is out with me. She may be small but she is mighty. She is sassy too. Takes no shit from anyone. I would hire her in a heartbeat to drive if I ever expand. 

Its going to take at least a week to get this place ready for the hundred or so that I have heard are stopping by at some point or another but we have to get a few days to get it done. 

Only one that wont be there is Jay. Got a last minute demand from the boss to head back to NY for something or other. It breaks my heart but I know how it is. Those few days go quickly and I am forever grateful for the party planner I ended up hiring. What a life saver. I don't have to worry about much other then enjoying my friends that are more like family. 

The night before the party I got a call from Jay. I am confused. He was supposed to be on his way already. Shit what happened now. I pray it cant be anything major. 

"So umm love I have something you should know before this goes any farther." I am so scared. Life is hard but this last year has been easier with her and Koda in it. 

"Ohh god, tell me your okay please?" I ask. My heart is beating so fast and loud I swear I am going to pass out. 

"Yeah I am but umm well we never talked about something" I close my eyes. I need more then a prayer I need another miracle. 

"What do you mean. We talk about everything" I say. I am wracking my brain. Is he old like really old, like grandpa old? Is he a criminal? Is he vegan? Is he sick, not like cold sick but like the C word sick? Does he have four balls? Okay not likely that but what could it be.

"No everything. Its a long story." I tell her. Its really not but ugh. 

"Well make it short and get it over with I cant do this Jay. You know how I feel." I am going to loose my shit here." I almost yelling now. 

"How about I show you?"  So lets make that two things she does not know. Shit she is going to kill me. 

"Sure. If it involves you taking off your clothes I should head to my room." I mutter. I get off the swing and start to pace. I swear I hear a rig off in the distance and its getting louder.

"Just beware I think people showed up early. " I tell him

" I hope not love. You need sleep"  but if I have my way maybe just maybe. 

"Yeah well you know me I wont turn them away" I say as I see headlights start down my long drive. 

"That's what I am praying for"

Before I can get anything else out I drop my phone. I am stunned. I know that truck. That's Jays truck, I know this because it has a frog decal on a red Peterbuilt and a rainbow visor. The lights on the polls lining my drive gives it away. 

I cant move. At least I didn't until the truck stopped next to mine. Then I start to run. Ohh my god. I was lied to. He is getting a ass kicking for doing this to me. I look like shit. I'm only in my night shirt and slippers. I just got out of the shower. Fucker should have given me time to look nice and presentable. Maybe throw on a bra. 

Before Jay's fee hit the ground I am in his arms. Wait a moment. I am confused. Jay is a she? My mind cant process that at the moment and to be honest I don't care either. We can deal with that later. Or not. What the hell is being hid from me?

I feel arms go around me and I tilt my head up for a kiss. instincts are kicking in and that's what I need more then anything in this world. Lips. Jays lips on mine. Our first kiss was sweet and erotic and I cant seem to get enough. I feel lips on my neck and I moan. Its been a long time for me. I could not have imagined this moment being more perfect. 

Then my inner asshole kicks in. 

"What the hell are you hiding from me?" I demand hand on hip. I am sure there is steam rolling off me and not just from the panty dropping kiss but from anger. 

"I kind of thought it was obvious I am a woman" I tell her. I mean. I have been called sir more times that I can ever count but still. 

"That's all? Promise?" I demand as I push my finger into her chest trying to make my self taller some how. More menacing . Bigger and badder. 

"What do you mean that's all? I am a woman Emma" I tell her again. We have never talked sexuality but I was under the impression she is straight. I mean she has a kid. 

"I see that" I mean come one now. Short hair tattoos but definitely a woman. I smile. So she is not married? Or does not have the C word?  and now that I know she is a woman the extra testicle guess is so very wrong so very wrong but funny all the same. 

"But that doesn't bother you?" I am holding my breath. 

"There is a first time for everything I suppose" I laugh as I grab her hand placing it on my ass. 

"So your not mad?" She should be I think but her ass is nice. 

"Mad? not at all. I just assumed you were a man. I never asked and you never lied so that's on me." I tell her. I guess I never cared. In the beginning Phoenix was a guardian angel to Peanut and me, then so much more. Maybe part of me wondered but the heart wants what the heart wants. 

"So umm about that Kiss" she says to me. Her arms going  around me. I nod. 

This kiss is so different then the first one. This one holds promise and passion and exhaustion. I now know why things were the way they were over the last year. She was afraid because honestly so was I but for a whole nother set of reasons. She was afraid I would be mad and to be honest I would have never had started something with a random female but Jay is not a random person. We started out at friends and the attraction was just there. I felt something for her. I cant explain it. 

I was scared because what if Jay was too good to be true? What if we cant make it work? What if I fell in love with em and it was just some crap? Now I know. She is beyond my type. I have never thought about breasts but they fit her. She is sexy. like she is some big redwood and I want to climb her. 

I lay my head on her chest and wrap her arms around me tight. I am five foot even and she can easily lay her chin on the top of my head. I feel like the world is right. The world is somehow better because Jay is here. Yes I notice a version of the same lady lumps I have on my own body but it does not matter. I breath in deep and I smell her cologne. It subtle but sexy as well. Damn. I need new panties. 

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