Chapter 12- Party time

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It took four hours, twenty people and a tanker of water to get the party set up. Jay was my right hand woman the whole time.  By one pm there was at least forty trucks parked in the field and people were everywhere.

When Pops and pip's showed up I introduced them to Jay. They just laughed at me. I got a we met, and about damn time. Pip pulled me aside and asked for the details and I shook my head. I won't do that. Not yet. She also asked me what our official title was? I had no clue so I asked Jay.

I was going to do this in private and with flowers and maybe chocolate but I never got the chance. So I pulled her into her room and it went like this "Sense the day I met you I have become to not only respect you but care for you. You make me smile and laugh. You make my heart beat so fast I feel like I am going to need a pace maker. The way you went with your heart last night and did not reject me makes me feel loved. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know this wont be easy for us but will you give us a chance and become my girlfriend?"

I got a smile and "Yes please". We sealed it with a kiss or two. I could not imagine life with out her or Koda in my life. Its like before them it was just work and work and no play. Now its living. 

I barely saw peanut for more then a minute at a time. Between the bounce house, pool and baby pools she was having the time of her life. I knew she was going to zonk out later and planned to do the cake before she did.

I stripped her of her party dress and sat her in her highchair and placed a large cupcake in front of her and away she went. She dived into it like it was her job. She was smeared in pink and purple frosting. She even insisted on feeding some to anyone who would take it. There were not many takers  but Jay took some and I have the pictures to prove it. Dakoda does not realize it yet but its because of Jay that she is alive. 

I have decided to forgo opening presents in front of everyone because it would take hours. Instead I got phone numbers to open them with them at a later date. I am so glad I did because by seven that evening Koda was out.

Jay and I gave her a quick bath, took turns rocking her and then left sleeping beauty with her ever present dog to have the sweetest dreams ever. I clipped her monitor to my belt and grabbed a beer. My only of the night.

I had a toast to make and thank yous to be said. Finding an empty picnic table was hard but I did. I stood in the middle of it and tried to get everyone's attention but failed miserably. That is until Jay whistled and others fallowed suit. Jay has talent. Hmmm i wonder what else she could do with her mouth. 

I began on a cheerful note. " I just want to thank you all for coming and helping me celebrate Dakota's first Birthday. Thank you all for being my family and for being hers. I don't know what I would do without you all. "

And ended with this. " As most of you know I was in a pretty bad accident thirteen months ago and had to make a  split second decision that night. Well I had a guardian angel on my side. Most of you know her by Phoenix but I call her Jay. She saved me that night and helped me deliver the birthday girl. She stayed by my side then and over the last year. This thank you goes out her tonight. Thank you for saving my life and the life of my daughter. Thank you for being my best friend and now my girlfriend. I would not know what to do without you." She holds out her hand to me and in the mist of cheers I lean in to kiss her.

She whispers that I could show her later and grabs my ass. I nod and bite her neck. Two can play this game. There is dancing and jokes. Trucks leave, trucks come. There is a bonfire and couples kissing. By ten most the kids are in bed or gone.

By eleven I am beyond tired and with the insistence of Dallas I hand over the baby monitor. Koda is safe without a doubt.

Jay leads me to her truck and helps me inside. We shut the curtains and turn on the air conditioner. Slowly we loose our clothes and I climb into her bunk. She slides in after me and I lay my head on her chest. Her heart beat is strong and calming. 

I would like to tell you all that we did some kinky shit that night but nothing happened. We fell asleep. The day was long and we were tired. Sleep out weighed orgasms no matter how good I know they will be. 

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