Chapter 18- Coffee burns

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Owning my own trucking business has its ups and downs. A down being that I have to look for my own loads and send things to my accountant. I have to plan things in advance and make sure I am organized. Receipts for everything must be kept. Books must be done.   There are so many different things that I have to take care of. I have to pay for maintenance on the truck, the insurance, and everything in between. I have to pay for my own gas, meals, and tolls. 

But it also has its ups. I get to choose what loads I take when I take them. I make more because I don't have to pay anyone else other then Dallas. I get to stop when I want to stop, I get to go home whenever I choose and best of all I get to go out of my way to spend more time with Jay.

I didn't think I would get to see her for 3 weeks but somehow we got to sneak in those extra meals together, we got to spend stolen minutes at truck stops. A shared shower, a quickie in her truck late one night. We Skype every night, she gets to read stories to Dakota and even do it in person. 

After parking my rig and double checking for the tenth time that I have everything I need I start to pace the house. I have a few hours but I cant wait. This time Dallas is going to spend it with Dakota at my house. We found some really cool things for them to do. Plus next week I have found a series of short loads to keep us home just a little longer. 

I find things to do. Laundry, load the dish washer. Deep clean the bathrooms. I go threw Koda's clothes and sort what she is too big for. She is almost in eighteen months now. Right on track the doctors say considering she was a preemie. I put away what I want for the next one and get giddy thinking about it. Jay and I could have a child or children? I look to the heavens and send a prayer. Not sure how but we can talk about it, where there is a will there is a way and I would love to carry more children. 

By the time four pm rolls around I am antsy and cant concentrate on anything. Trust me I am trying. The sound of her truck snaps me out of the moment I was having. I run to the porch and lean against the pillar. I make myself wait for her to come to me. I smile because I am so happy to see her. To have her close.  She climbs down and saunters up to me. Hands on her hips. Cocky swagger. 

"Hey good looking, waiting for someone" I look down not touching her just yet. I changed an hour ago. Wanted to look my best for my girl. A new pair of jeans, brushed my boots to be as clean as possible, and the best part a baby blue plaid type button down. I even got my hair cut last night. Did some trimming of other hair as well. 

"yeah the really hot trucker promised me a ride. Have you seen em?" I say looking around, putting my hand above my eyes. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it smart ass.

"Really then. I guess I can leave then" I tell her pretending to turn around. 

"Try that and die" I tell her. I reach for her and she laughs. I grab the front of her shirt and pull her to me. Being on the step makes kissing easier. "Damn babe you look good. I like it" 

"Thanks love, I wanted to look good for you" I admitted sheepishly. I know I am blushing, my ears are hot. 

"you know what else would look good?"

"No tell me" I am stumped. 

"Those clothes on the floor." I bite her neck.

"Later love, short deadline but we have a layover. So I can make that happen." I tell her smacking her ass. Her curves are just ugh. I hate my boss right now because I would love nothing more then to fuck her rough.  We load her bag and purse into the cab and away we go but not before I say hello to Dallas and my little girl. I came just in time for a snack. She shares her goldfish with me. Little does she know but they are my favorite. I pick her up and take her outback to walk around for a moment. She runs into the pool and plops down laughing. She is like her mom with her personality. I slowly back off and let Dallas take over to make it an easy transition. I don't think I could leave if Dakota was crying and reaching for me .

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