Comincia dall'inizio

Was it injudicious to actually be staring at the beautiful pregnant woman instead of my own seed? I could even sense Onika's uncomfortably all the way across the room, but still I allowed the photographer take full control of the shoot.

"Smile for me Onika." The photographer instructed, once again. Onika smiled weakly, and I could tell it was forced because her dimples didn't pop as they usually do. Her doe eyes warned desolation. She appeared every bit of miserable, every time they had to touch, as if, they didn't use to fuck like nymphs prior to this pregnancy.

"Okay. Uh, Let's take five, yeah?" The photographer announced, as if she were vainly frustrated. Her perfectionism seethe in her over all aura. I don't blame her though, she was a fifty year old white woman with over thirty years of experience. Martha was only present to do her job.

Onika wobbled over to the near by restroom, shutting the door and locking it, while the color near the door nob shifted from green to red in a swift.

"Ma' she doesn't want to do this shoot with me, I don't understand why you're making us do this shit anyways. We aren't even together." Jeremiah declared, on his way over to me.

"Oh, so suddenly it's my fault? I didn't lay down and open my legs, neither did I shoot the damn club up, Jeremiah. You're smarter than that. Now y'all are both about to be parents in one month so I suggest you suck it up.

And fix your attitude, so we can all go our separate ways today."

Two big ass twenty-two year olds, acting like their five. How they managed to knock each other's socks loose, and now suddenly can't stand to be near one another, is beyond me.

"Onika, hun." I taped my middle knuckle against the door, hearing her consistent sniffles from the other side.

"I don't wanna do this anymore. I-I can't do this, Beyoncé." She croaked out.

"You can't do what Onika? Open the door."

I hear the locked being shifted, and the door soon gaped open, hearing the loud squeaks from the rusted henges.

Onika's mascara was completely smudged, as the black cosmetic ink left tear stains down her cheeks. I sighed, as her eyes read the venerability I recognized, the first day I met her.

I proceeded to close the door, pulling her into my embrace, faintly rubbing her back in circles. I hadn't hugged her like this since that night. I tried everything in my power to not gain any connection to her these last few months. Cruel? Not quite. It was most temptation I was battling since the younger woman now resided in my home.

Onika had this sustained hold on me, the attractiveness I felt towards her, wasn't right. I had to put on a exterior that I didn't care for her, yet I did. I could only put on the cold front for so long.

"I can't do this a-anymore. I don't want to be a mother, anymore. I made a mistake keeping this baby. I-I don't feel connected him, and I don't know how to love properly. I be damned if I put my baby through, what I'm going through right now.

Furthermore, Jeremiah and I hate each other. I can't even look him in the face because I resent him for making this baby with me. I-I f-feel hurt, and I'm angry. This innocent baby, is the only thing keeping me functioning. I feel—I feel dead inside." She confessed.

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