Chapter 18 Bourbon, Amber, and Cream

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This chapter contains explicit smut. This might get me demonetized, even though I don't earn money here lol.

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It is the scent of sea salt and amber that brings me from my deep slumber. My eyes flutter open and barely register that my arms are still wrapped around Yoongi's lower waist. My head lays on his stomach. My ear folded over and growing hot from the awkward position. My cheek is flushed and warms his skin like a heating pad.

Yoongi's hand rests on my exposed back. The pads of his fingers press occasionally into my shoulder blade and make small circles. He breathes quietly and keeps a steady pace. He is either half-awake or already asleep, I can't tell. His scent is faint but maintains its syrupy texture of bourbon and melty vanilla.

I stare blankly at the roaring fire beside the nest. It pops softly as the fire eats away at the dry wood. The glowing embers leap from the contained flame-like hopping frogs. Other embers die in the air and flutter down like fallen feathers of a dove.

Then the scent from before strengthens.

I strain my neck as I lift my head from Yoongi. I turn towards its source and blink blearily at the boy sitting at the edge of the nest. I squint past the blurry film over my eyes and force myself out of my daze to focus on him.

Jungkook's eyes are darting over us with pained hesitation. He sits at the edge of the nest, careful not to touch the blankets and pillows with any part of him. His black hair is messily tied back from his face with a few strands hanging in front of his eyes. He looks afraid and guilty.

I blink a few more times while dragging my arm out from under Yoongi. I rub my eyes and finally clear my vision. "Koo?" I ask sleepily.

Jungkook's body tenses. Then he starts to scoot back, "Hey."

"What are you doing?"

Why is he moving away?

He sneaks a look at us and continues to move backward. "I just wanted to check on you. You guys left the room so I... left too. I don't want to interrupt, I'm sorry--"

"Jungkook." Yoongi's voice is gravelly and deep when he speaks. He inhales deeply as he struggles to sit up. "Hey pup, you're awake?"

Jungkook bites his lower lip, still trying to shy away from us. "I'm sorry for interrupting," he repeats.

"You didn't interrupt anything," I reassure him and close my eyes again. I rest my head back down on Yoongi's stomach, exhausted from trying to get up.

"I understand. You don't need to apologize. But why are you moving away from us?"

I open my eyes once more. I peek over my shoulder and watch Jungkook shrink back from our attention.

"You smell good, really good. I only came out to smell, I promise. I didn't know you had a nest..."

"You think I'm not going to let you in the nest?" Yoongi questions.

He shrugs. "It's your nest. Yours and Charlotte's." He pauses for a moment before adding, "And we're supposed to take turns."

"That was in the beginning," Yoongi explains. "We didn't want to overwhelm our Luna. And maybe Seokjin hyung wanted her for himself yesterday. It's a preference, Jungkookie. You know you can always ask to join. It's not like we haven't--"

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