Chapter 6 The Past and Too Much Whiskey

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I curled my wolf body into the corner of my room, pressing myself against the cold wall. I closed my eyes and fought the urge to dart underneath my bed again. I would end up stuck and embarrass myself further.

The cursed heat continued to pulsate through my body like a warning. My tongue felt swollen and my throat was dry as a desert. The headache refused to let up and allow me a moment of peace. I was suffering, but I refused to call upon anybody.

Amber and Rainy told me to avoid falling into a heat alone. They said to contact them if it happened again but I couldn't stomach it. My pride forced me to remain in my bedroom and swallow back the rising heat and ignore intrusive thoughts of having a partner to "fall into a heat" with.

My life had fallen apart the moment I returned to the pack house.

My regular schedule of attending school and hanging out with my human friends had been canceled and replaced with training with the Lunas. When I tried to hang out with my friends, they were awkward and even attempted to ditch me during our visit to the nearby park. They hated me. They hated me for what I was, for something that was out of my control.

The other wolves stayed away from me too.

A newfound Luna would be awkward to hang out with, especially when she's susceptible to heats . If I caused anybody to go into a heat due to my scent, we would never live it down.

My only friend was Namjoon, but I had been avoiding him. I didn't want to embarrass him or force him into a heat. I didn't want to put him in that position, especially now that the Lunas believed he should be my heat partner.

He's an Alpha, and often takes trips to neighboring backs for training. I don't want to ruin the life he has built for himself with my stupid needs. I care about him too much to be that selfish.

My body shuddered as another wave of unbearable heat fell over me. I felt my lips curl back into a snarl as the discomfort grew. My ears flattened back against my head and the fur on the back of my neck began to stand up.

I didn't, however, hate the wolf body. My limbs were gangly like all young werewolves, but the doctor said I would grow into a healthy and strong wolf. I was predicted to be larger than the other girls in my class due to my ability to easily build muscle and large bones. I wasn't going to be a petite wolf; I was going to be built like a male and somehow the thought of it comforted me.

I wasn't weak, not like a Luna .

Granted Amber had an amazing set of abs, I refused to believe they were as strong as they claimed. Lunas was not powerful like an Alpha, or held any influence as they said.

In the old days, they used to be called Omegas and it was for a reason. They were the lowest rank of the pack, and weak-minded. I refused to become like that.

My gut wrenched as the feverish heat intensified with my emotions. I bit back a whimper and pawed at my muzzle.

No, no no... I whined, I can't be like that...

There was a knock at my door.

I shrunk back and tucked my legs underneath myself. My tail wrapped around myself and I buried my head into my paws, wishing they would go away. Their scent slipped underneath the door but I struggled to place a face to it.


My heart sank. It's Namjoon.

He knocked again. "Charlotte, it's Namjoon," he said through the door. "I just wanted to check on you... see if you're alright. Can I come in?"

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