"We must warn you-" Harry was suddenly interrupted by a group of young witches, all around the age of 15, who were all squealing in excitement.

"Merlin, it's Harry Potter and Hermione Granger"

"Is it true you left the country?"

"Is it true that you and Ron broke up?" Hermione instantly stiffened and the excitement that she once had on her face, disappeared instantly.

"Hello, we are sorry but we're very busy. We hope you have a great day" Remus said politely and guided Hermione through the crowd, the others following close behind. There was an awkward silence for a few moments, but Sirius being Sirius, had enough.

"Let's go to the Quidditch store" she shouted, pointing at the shop with a new and improved Broom displayed in the window. Harry and Ginny instantly nodded their heads and followed Sirius, whilst the others strolled after them as they continued to look around. Hermione felt awkward, she wondered what Sam thought about her previous relationship with her best friend. It wasn't as if it was a secret, but the breakup was messy and she was left hurt, which isn't something that she was wanting to talk about.

"Are you okay?" He asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. They stopped at the entrance whilst the others followed Harry, Ginny and Sirius inside, giving the two of them some privacy. She sighed and raved her fingers through her hair.

"I don't like talking about him and when the media found out that we had broken up, it caused an uproar. Not that it was anyone's business but you know what people are like when things like this happen to well-known people" He nodded his head with a small frown as he took her hands in his.

"I won't pressure you to talk about it, but I would like to know everything I can about you. All the embarrassing, funny, heartbreaking and adventurous moments of your life because you mean an awful lot to me, Hermione Granger" Her eyes glossed over with unshed tears, her cheeks coated with a pink blush as she looked up at the man that holds her heart.

"You're right and I want the same thing, how about we have that discussion on our date tonight?" His face lit up and he nodded eagerly, making her giggle as she wrapped her arms around his torso, laying her head on his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of her head and laid his cheek on top of it as she snuggled into him. Many people were watching, all whispering at the new man that their war hero was with and yet, neither of them seemed to care as they relished in the feeling of being in each other's arms.

They spent the next few hours walking around and visiting different stores, they were told many stories of their happier adventures which the wolves enjoyed immensely. They grew rather tired and decided to stop off at the Leakey cauldron for some drinks and food, which was a little overwhelming for the chief due to the large amount that was ordered for the hungry wolves.

"Is it nice, Teddy-Bear?" Hermione cooed as she held the little wizard on her lap as he ate some fries. He nodded happily and smiled up at her, which warmed her heart in an instant. She didn't notice a certain wolf watching her with awe-filled eyes, wondering what she'd be like if they had cubs of their own. Harry had gone up to the bar to order a round of drinks when Hermione had heard a familiar voice that made her blood run cold.

"Harry Mate, what you doing here?"

"Hi, Ron, just ordering some drinks" Harry responded as Hermione tried her hardest to hide behind Teddy, who was none the wider by her sudden behaviour, though it can't be said for the others around the table. Especially the wolves, who sensed their Alpha Female in sudden distress.

"Sweetheart?" Sam said, a worried frown on his face.

"It's Ronald, we had a horrible break up" She whispered, knowing that those around the table would be able to hear due to their enhanced hearing. Small growls were heard from the group, their bodies tense as they glared over at the redhead, who was leaning against the bar, smiling and laughing with Harry.

"That little fucker" Sirius hissed and attempted to get up from his seat, though Remus grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down.

"Not in front of my cub" He warned with a hiss, making those around the table look over at the small child who continued to eat his lunch happily. They all nodded in understanding and tried to make conversation, though it was clear no one was truly paying attention.

"Where is she, Harry?" they heard Ronald's question, his tone more aggressive than before.

"That's none of your concern, Ron" Harry hissed quietly, trying not to draw attention to the two. Of course, Ron didn't seem to have the same concept and seemed to be more than willing to allow those around him to hear.

"She's my fiance, of course, it's my concern" Hermione's body tensed, her eyes glaring into the table as those around her tried their hardest not to lose their temper.

"She never agreed to marry you, Ron. You only wanted to marry her when she found out you cheated!" Harry shouted, which was a clear sign that his temper had come to its limit. His hands were clenched by his side and his eyes narrowed at the first friend he made when he arrived in the magical world.

"She will be my wife!" Ron's face was bright red from anger as he took a step towards Harry, coming face to face with him. In an instant, Hermione passed Teddy to Sam and both herself and Ginny raised from their seats. The others followed suit, but they both shook their heads which made them reluctantly take their seats.

"Alpha" Jacob's eyes showed desperation, he was sitting on the edge of his seat with his hands clenched around the arms of the chair.

"It's okay, Jake. We will handle this" they wanted to argue, but with a stern look from their Alpha, they nodded but made sure to keep an eye on their two new pack members. They strolled over to their brother in all but blood, Ginny was absolutely seething at the sight of her older brother, who caused nothing but pain for her older sister and best friend.

"Ronald" Hermione hissed, causing the redhead to swing around with wide eyes.

"Hermione" He breathed a sigh of relief with a wide smile, he stepped forward with his arms open but she immediately took a step back, her arms folded over her chest. His arms lowered and his eyes narrowed, frustration clear on his face.

"What do you want, Ronald?"

"I want you! You left without a good reason, I told you I was sorry but you didn't want to listen" Hermione, Ginny and Harry stood in disbelief. After all the things he had done and said, and yet he still truly thought that a simple apology will fix it all.

"I don't give a fuck about your apologies, Ronald Weasley. I want nothing to do with you, I've moved on and I'm finally happy with how my life is turning out. leave me alone and don't bother trying to contact me, either through owl or through anyone else for that matter. Now, if you'll excuse us, my family are waiting for me" And with that, she stormed off and returned to the Pack and her family, who were all glaring venomously at the stunned redhead.

"No sad, Mione. Only happy" Teddy said as he placed his little hands on Hermione's cheeks, instantly calming the witch down.

"I'm not sad, little cub. Don't worry" She said with a smile as she placed a kiss on the child's cheek.

From afar, Ron watched as the love of his life snuggled against another man. His blood boiled with such anger that all he wanted to do was make sure no other man was willing nor wanting to touch his witch.

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