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They reached the gym and busy themselves with workouts and Aarina was still texting in between her workouts. Tension was clearly visible on her face. In between the workout, Darshan came to her.

Tu yah texting karne ayi hai? Thoda workout bhi kar le. He sat near her. I am already annoyed or irritated mat kar! She whisper yelled.

I am....he was cut off by the call. She picks up the call in no time not giving him any chance to read the name. Can't you understand man it's urgent, please! She yelled over the call. Darshan was quiet looking at her.

No please I can't.......please! She was literally begging. Get lost useless fellow! She yelled and hung up the call.  Breakup? He asked softly. Shut up, Raval! She screamed and left from there. After half an hour they left from there once they were done.

Sid drop me home back I will come in the evening. Aarina said looking outside with a pale face. But what about......He asked but Aarina cut him off.

I'll come in the evening I have to go to the hospital. She answered. To meet her boyfriend oh sorry ex-boyfriend. Darshan mocked looking at his phone. She glares at him.


Don't call me again and again Rohit! I am on my way. Aarina shouted and throws the phone on the passenger seat. Relax baby. Aayushi tried to calm her.

What relax you know na today we have important work and this idiot. Aarina cried.

Sometimes I think why my life is so messed up. Can't I have some peace in my life ever? She complained. Aayushi keep on listening to whatever she was saying and the way she was cursing her destiny until they reached the hospital.

Now take a deep breath and calm down. It's not the end of your life you have the whole evening right? Aayushi asked and she nod in yes. They hug each other and left for their respective places.


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