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next day (SUNDAY)...........

Aarina woke up around 11 in the morning to get fresh and went to the kitchen to cook something for herself. Aayushi was already preparing breakfast for her. They took their plates and went to the dining table.

What's your day plan? Aayushi asked. Not decided yet. Aarina replied. What about calling your friend for lunch? Aayushi suggested.

What an idea but not here at their place .......surprise yk:) Aarina said they finished their Breakfast and Aarina decided to make lunch for them and Aayushi helped her. After almost 2 hours they were done.

Aarina quickly changed and left for their house.

Darshan's side...

Guys, I am hungry. Diksha said in between stopping the movie. Me too! Darshan joined. But what shall we do neither we can cook nor we can order anything. Siddharth said looking at Darshan.

Don't look at me! Darshan rolled his eyes. Why it's because for you neither you would drink nor that accident happen......Siddharth was cut off by the doorbell is what kon hai yaar! Diksha opened the door and yes she was surprised by the person standing in front of her.

Aarina! Diksha hugged her. what a surprise. Siddharth said. They settled down on the couch. This is Priya, right? She asked Siddharth and he nodded. From where did you get the address? Darshan asked.

I am so smart! She replied. BTW I have something for you guys. Aarina added. What? They asked in unison. Lunch that I made. Aarina said.

WE LOVE YOU. Three of them again cried in unison while Priya glared at Darshan. Wait let me serve. Aarina said and went to the kitchen. She serves their food this looks so beautiful. She complimented. She was joined by Priya and Diksha.

Wait I forgot my phone in the car. Aarina cried. Priya can you please serve these desserts..... these are for you all and this is for Darshan. Don't mix them up. Aarina said to which Priya nodded.


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