Jeanette started drifting off after Ezra. "I got this, guys. You know... healing. It's what I specialize in. Don't bother making a pillow nest for me. I'll make one for myself."

When she disappeared through the vine door, Santiago turned to Viviana.

"Slumber party like the old days?"


Viviana opened her eyes to the blinding light typical of Isabelle's room. She didn't know what she expected anymore. She just knew that she would no longer be hit with a book to the face.

She definitely didn't expect to see the room entirely void of Isabelle.

Viviana turned around the room in a panic. Up until this point, the Princess had always been sitting in the exact same spot. Princess Isabelle was always sitting in the white chair with a pink cushion at the clear table by the window.

Princess Isabelle was not the only thing missing from the room. The pillow and blankets over the bed against the right wall were missing too, along with the teacup and saucer that always sat on the table by the window.

No! Where'd she go?! Is she ok?

Viviana held her arms out in front of her, swiping them through the air above the chair, just in case Isabelle was invisible for some mysterious reason.

Her arms didn't hit anything, but her sleeve did fall back, revealing faded ink on the inside of her wrist.

She held her wrist up to her face, and read the questions she'd written there.

1: How does Isabelle know it's a dream?

2: Who gave Isabelle the dream spell?

3: Who gave Isabelle the spellbook?

4: Why does Isabelle need a soulmate?

5: Who/what is the man with the pirate hat?

Oh yeah. I forgot about those. If Isabelle's ok, I should really ask her all of these, and get real answers for once.

The thought of Isabelle being hurt in any way, sent knives through Viviana's heart. She'd become quite attached to the Princess, and the last thing she wanted was for anything more to happen to Isabelle.

The Princess had been hurt enough by those around her.

Viviana forced herself to take calming breaths, but she was surprised to see that her magic was not writhing beneath her skin. Whenever she became anxious or angry, it was always there, demanding to be let out and "fix" whatever was causing her stress.

Something about the dream spell must be suppressing my magic.

Viviana wrapped her arms around herself and breathed. The moment she paused to calm down and listen, she realized the window was open.

She moved closer to close it. The sounds outside sounded so real. She could hear the far-off sound of running water, the rustling of leaves in a breeze, and-


The same song from so long ago, when she'd first encountered this place. Back then, she had no idea who it was. The sound had seemed to come from everywhere, and nowhere, all at once. Now the singer was back, and outside the window.

Viviana moved away from the window, looking for the door to the room. The last time she'd just run at the wall instead of finding a door, she'd been woken up. She needed the door this time if she wanted to stay here and find Isabelle.

Perhaps the singing person would tell her where Isabelle was.

The far wall, with its cream walls, stared her down like an arch nemesis. It would not give her an easy way out of this room.

Blinding Light: A Sleeping Beauty and Snow Queen RemixWhere stories live. Discover now