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My chest felt like broken glass. I continued with my painful breath as I ran, soaked to the bone as the rain poured. I could barely see as my feet stumbled forth, even without my tears, the rain diluted my surroundings. Keep going or she will find me. I continue my blind pursuit, blocking as much of the excruciating pain as I can. I need to get away, or this time she truly will kill me. My thoughts reminded me of the brutality that I encountered from my abusive mother. Step-mother. A blaring car horn distracts my thoughts, and I jerk my head towards the road, only for the car to pass. The sound provided the opportunity for my body to collapse, falling after the imbalance of my focus.

I'm so cold. I lay on the ground, shaking violently. The pain and cold have wrapped their deathly fingers around me. I need to move! As I struggle to raise my body from the ground, I faintly hear a car door slam and someone calling out. She's here. I try to turn to see my oncoming death, deciding that courage is the only way I will exit. As I raise my head up, looking at the oncoming figure, my arms shake and fall from underneath me, and my breath exits my body in a single gust. Those deathly fingers engulf me, comforting my weak body, welcoming me to the end.


Wake up! My eyes fling open, and I gasp like a newborn taking their first breath. My heart is beating furiously, demanding release from its cage. A beeping sound keeps in time with my clawing heart. Suddenly, I am slammed into my body, and I can feel every tingle of pain my step-mother laid onto me. My eyes start to adjust to my surroundings. I take in the room, noting the sterile space. How did I make it here?

Taking the moment to recount what occurred to lead me here, I start to internally assess my injuries. Ribs? One broken, at least. Left foot and ankle, broken and sprained. My stomach aches, the skin being sensitive from the blade that carved into me. My head is pounding, but I can't decipher if it is a concussion. How did I get here?

I remember my tumble. I accepted death on the side of the road.

The door to my room opens and a fluttering doctor's coat comes into view. A kind, older gentleman stands at the entryway. "It's lovely to see you awake, Love" the man comments as he fully enters the room. He is not incredibly tall, but how he holds himself reminds me of a towering giant. He demands attention but radiates a kindness that breaks down even the strongest of walls. "My name is Dr. Phil Roberts," he begins, "Fortunately, I found you in the rain last night on my way home." His eyes saddened as he kept his smile, "How are you feeling, Love?"

I open my mouth, but my tongue is thick. I sign, "Water?" in hopes that he understands me. His smile brightens as he moves towards a pitcher where he pours it into a paper cup. After passing it to me, I take a few sips, and he sits on a stool by my bed. I smile and whisper my thanks. Clearing my throat, I begin to speak. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You came in with multiple injuries Little Bird"

I sigh, "I'm in pain, but I am okay. I'm used to it."

I pause as I realize what my words imply, but it is clear that Dr. Roberts registered the same. He gives me a sad smile and places a warm hand over mine. I notice that he faintly smells of strawberry before I reel at the contact. I can't move away from the safe feeling it provides me. "Do not worry, Little Bird. I will not allow any harm to come to you again" he claims in full confidence. I know nothing of him, and yet I trust his word. My face spreads into a wide grin.

He shoots back with a genuine smile as well, before retracting into a serious presentation. "You were severely injured Miss..." he pauses when he realizes my lack of identification.

I fill in, "Sang. Sang Sorenson."

"Miss Sang, your injuries were quite violent. You are recovering from a concussion, a broken rib and another fractured, as well as a broken foot and sprained ankle. You also lost quite a bit of blood from the gashes on your torso."

I knew this, but it was only then that I registered the extremity of it. I take a deep breath, holding it, before releasing, "So what happens now?" I couldn't go back home, and I can't risk being placed into the system. "Dr. Roberts, I really don't want to be placed into foster care." My heart flutters and chest tightened with anxiety, spiking the heart monitor.

Dr. Roberts squeezes my hand, "Well first, I will ensure that you have a full recovery before we confront that issue. However, I have no plans to place you into foster care."

I pause at that. What does he mean? I'm 14, that's too young to emancipate myself. What other options are there? He notices my trepidation and squeezes my hand again. "Do not fret Little Bird, I will take care of you. Whether that be me taking over as your guardian or finding a suitable one for you. I will ensure your safety."

My body relaxes at his words and my smile returns to my face. "I would really like that."

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