A very selfish side of Owen hoped Elise would outlive him, but then he wouldn't be there to protect her. He knew she could defend herself, but Owen didn't feel right by leaving Elise behind.

Pack never left pack behind.

Owen wouldn't admit these thoughts had kept him awake more often than not. It was hard enough to sleep with the broken ribs, but then his thoughts would wander around. He would wonder about the future, training his girls for racing, getting Claire on another date, seeing his family.

And how he hoped Elise would be right next to him the entire time.

Was this what it was like to be a parent? Owen had thought he was a parent when the girls had hatched, but he was never so...worried.

Elise worried him. He worried about her health, her happiness, and her living conditions. Was she happy? Was she getting enough to eat? Was she sleeping well? Owen would notice when she wasn't. Was Rexy being a good parent when Owen wasn't there? Did Elise know she could come to him for anything? Did he tell her he loved her enough?

"I love you, Sunshine."

Elise cracked open an eye; she had dozed off when Owen drifted into his own thoughts. She responded by pressing her hand against him as she curled around her human. Owen smiled at the warmth; he had to remind himself to tell Elise he loved her at least once a day. He didn't care if she got sick of hearing it, he didn't care if people thought less of him for it.

Because there could be a day when Elise would have to go to bed without a goodnight kiss from Owen. There was always a chance Elise would have to wake up knowing she wouldn't have her human to play Godzilla with, and there was the possibility the only time she would see him was in happy memories.

And Owen wouldn't be there to tell her he loved her.

But Owen was still right here, he was alive and well. He was here to spend all day with his tough baby, and he would tell her how much she meant to him.

Elise let out a content sigh when Owen began to quietly hum their song. It was the only song with actual singing that Elise enjoyed.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

The Indominus knew she was smiling, even if she couldn't really feel her lips.

"You make me happy when skies are grey."

Owen quietly tapped a soft beat against the large hand tenderly pressed against him, and he swore the pain in his side dissipated a little bit.

"You'll never know, Dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."

Elise let out a soft croon as she eyed her human. Owen adored the warm cinnamon colors adding depth to the clear eyes. Even the pupils seemed to grow rounder, and he just couldn't quite picture Elise as anything else.

His Sunshine.


"Don't be stubborn, Love. I saw you spit out the vitamin."

The chocolatey eyes blinked warmly before the baby let out a defiant, soft cry. Debra patiently sighed at her youngest Apatosaurus. Love was true to her name; a simply lovey baby who adored being cuddled.

And carrots were the greatest treat in the world.

Love was the favorite at the Petting Zoo, and always the first to greet any shy child. Love made everyone feel welcome with her overpowering curiosity. She simply had to inspect everything for herself. Strangers, a new bucket, flowers, children, pockets...

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