Chapter 27 - Opposites but are they?

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Everyone else was at the living room as they fully finished reading the contents of the journal.

Amelia : Though small I can probably work around what to do with this. *smiles* Still feels nice reading this.

Everyone else in the room nodded their heads to which they also smiled seeing the journal alone made them all tingly inside.

Ina : Though I do wonder the journal's handwriting seems to be done very well if you look at it.

Botan : Now that you mention it the writing seems to be very written out clearly almost as if it was done by typing on a keyboard. Though some of the letters seem to be a bit erased out and have some random dots but overall this is easier to read than other handwritings.

Amelia : Hehe you noticed it.

Everyone else was confused other than Zeta who looked at the book one more time before smiling even more.

Zeta : Who knew the boy did it again?

Subaru : Did it again?

By then both Kaela and Kobo caught on to what Zeta and Amelia meant. They both slapped their heads in realization leaving everyone else even more confused. By then Kaela spoke.

Kaela : She meant that he used morse code. If you look carefully at the book you can see some dotted lines under some letters. Even though its faded you can still clearly see it.

Everyone else widened their eyes understanding how complex the boy thought about how to do his work. He just thought ahead of time on how to help the girls by using a simple and complex way of communicating.

Amelia : Though this will take some time to decipher as the faded lines are gonna be a problem. Other than that I say that was a successful search.

Azki : Well that is good to know, I will go take care of Eri now she's currently asleep still. *walks away*

Sora : Don't forget to allow us to hang out of with her.

Azki : I won't

As she left the room everyone else even dispersed from each other going back to do their own things. Well not clearly everyone. Only the npc girl was on the couch looking around before she held her head in pain.

Moona : Ghh my head hurts. Why am I getting a headache now of all time?

As if things didn't get weirder she fell unconscious as she lied down in the couch while she closed her eyes.

In the Mindscape

When she came to she open her eyes to the welcoming room half divided by white and black. She was standing on the border line before she was pushed into the white half of the room where she landed on her butt. As she was pushed a darker side of her was forced out of her body moving into the black half of the room.

Moona : Ouch ouch *rubs her butt* You know you didn't have to do that *looks up*

In front of her standing on the black half of the room stands her counter part, Hoshinova.

In front of her standing on the black half of the room stands her counter part, Hoshinova

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