Chapter 7 - A Mirrored Entity

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We set our scene at Amelia and gura coming back from eating after a while.

Amelia : Ahh Japan's food never fails to impress me its still taste as good as ever.

gura : Right ahh the sushi they make are so good I can probably eat it forever.

gura then looked back at Amelia's watch and its still acting the same as before.

gura : Ame by this point I don't know what is going on but your watch has been acting like that for the past few days non-stop

Amelia : Yeah I also tried to pay no mind to it as I thought the battery of it was going a bit weird but by this point the whole watch has been acting weird when ID Gen 3 appeared.

gura : I don't think they have anything to do with it but rather something is messing with your watch and it seems like it won't stop.

The watch then started glowing green with a hint of blue on it as the handles on the pocket watch stopped and suddenly turn anti-clockwise at a rapid rate

Amelia : 'wait its already going back in time but why now'*shocked*

Then a blue light enveloped both gura and Amelia and they both vanished from where they were without any traces.

The scene then changes to a city, a broken down city, a city where society has fallen, a city where one person was responsible for the actions of society's fall, a once heroic boy that went down a dark path and destroyed everything in its path.

Then a blue circle suddenly appeared near the edge of the once city Musutafu where it was lively as ever. The circle's glow died down revealing both gura and Amelia.

Amelia : 'What the!? In what part of the timeline am I in?'

gura : Umm Ame where did you bring us to?

Amelia then was shocked and looked behind her and saw gura looking at her in confusion of what just occurred.

Amelia : 'Wait gura is here!!? How is this possible whenever I travel back in time only I was brought back but for gura to be here is not possible.' gura I want you to not be to alarmed but my watch may or may not have brought us to some part of the past. 'Is it even the past to begin with?'

gura was silent at the thought that where she is right now could be the past but something is off to her.

gura : Wait... if this was the past then why does the city look so destroyed. Throughout my entire time that I live the city was never this destroyed. It looks like the city was abandoned.

Amelia then looked around and she was right the damages around the city doesn't fit in with the history of Japan. The buildings even looked like the modern day just destroyed and only no life seen. They both decided to walk into the city to maybe learn what could be happening. (If you think Amelia could've used her watch to get back to modern time then you are wrong cause her watch only move back in time from the present to change the timeline they are living in so she hadn't thought about trying to use the watch since she think it won't help)

They were then at an area where the Hololive HQ would've been but it was another random building of another business. They were confused since Hololive has been around for a while and the buildings they see around them were from their present time. Amelia was thinking of what could cause this to happen but then thought about this carefully.

Amelia : 'If the hololive building isn't here then the weird things that were happening to the watch telling me that something changed in the past to make hololive no longer existing or is it the possibility that this timeline is an alternate one where the Hololive members never existed. The possibility won't be proven until we find something that proves about this timeline.'

As Amelia was trying to figure out what was going on she didn't notice a knife from somewhere was being aimed at her but was only deflected as gura brought out her trident and deflected it away. This interrupted Amelia's thoughts and scanned the area around her with gura to see if there is any threats.

??? : 'huh that girl with the trident has a sharp eye to keep up with a knife that quick. Are they heroes or not but no matter *grins evilly* they will be easy to take out'

Silents was then heard throughout the streets and structures of the city. The duo knew that the area was quiet too quiet. Then another knife was thrown at faster speed but gura again deflected before it hit her.

gura : Alright come out now if you keep doing this its gonna be annoying to deal with or are you too scared to even show your face.

??? : 'provocation huh? I normally won't fall for it but it seems that she's got a point this will get annoying if I keep attacking from the shadows.' Fine I'll show myself you better not regret your actions.

The figure then jumped down in front of the duo as they saw the figure revealing himself to be in a suit and tie with dark fluffy, curly hair with it covering his right eye but with his left eye glowing green.

The figure then jumped down in front of the duo as they saw the figure revealing himself to be in a suit and tie with dark fluffy, curly hair with it covering his right eye but with his left eye glowing green

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

???       : Nice to meet you girls on this fine day of the afternoon. *smiles like the devil*

gura then left her trident pointed it at the boy with a menacing glare asking

gura    : Who are you and what did you do to this city?

???     : Hey hey cmon don't point that at a new friend would you *smiles*

gura  : You didn't answer my question *glares*

???       : I suppose introduction is in order *sigh* I go by many names but you can call me what everyone likes to call me "Hakai" and that is what I am as you can tell from what I did to this city *smiles innocently*

Amelia : 'That smile looks like the one of a psychopath but at the same time I see a hint of sadness behind it'

Hakai   : Well since you both still somehow survived guess I gotta kill you or else you would prove to be a threat in the future. 

gura  : Yeah I don't think I'll let you do that *eyes turn red for a few seconds*. Stand back and Ame and prepare to go back in time in case something happens.

Hakai  : 'hmm? Oh she must have a quirk that allows her to go back in time and change events clever but that means she doesn't have any abilities rather than that. She must be only defenseless if there is no one to help her. There also has to be a charge up time since there's no way she can go back fast without charging up enough energy for it.' Now then I guess we will be fighting each other to the death aren't we?

gura  : And clearly there's no victor in this battle as well since this could be pointless.

Hakai : You know that's not a nice way to say as this battle can decide whether this world will live or not. The answer to this battle is that

Both  : One of us will remain standing in the middle of the battlefield

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