Some Bonds Just Can't Be Broken No Matter How Far Apart You Are🪢

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**** the next part of the story is based on The Dark Side of Dimensions****

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**** the next part of the story is based on The Dark Side of Dimensions****

Before Isra and Atem left while they were all still on the boat Isra met with Yugi "in secret".... in other words no one but him and Atem knew she came at all..... to give him a "gift" "oh! hi Isra"  Yugi says as she walks in to his room after knocking softly "I know you have much to prepare for but I.... I was talking to Atem and there's something I'd like to give you...."  she starts he looks at her oddly she places her hands over her heart.... where her Millennium Puzzle is then moves them away from her chest Yugi stares in surprise as her Millennium Puzzle seem to detach itself.... in other words it moved from her chest to her hand in the same form as the one around his neck.... then it seems to shrink he looks at her oddly "I don't know if it's your style or his but I figured instead of hulking around that big bulky thing for the rest of your life I'd make it into a belt buckle"  Isra tells him he chuckles softly then asks "why!?!"  she replies "you know what's going to happen right!?! noy only are Atem and I leaving but the Millennium Items are meant to be destroyed mine on the other hand will just disappear though now that this one is in this form it should stay.... if I did this right once Atem and I leave this puzzle I hold in my hand will act much like the one around your neck always has but if and when you enter it it will look more like mine did though it may just keep the Egyptian setting and never change since Atem and I haven't lived there in so long and I know we both will miss it.... and you for you are both our home"  he smiles "it won't work right away it wouldn't be fair to us if we enter our new home just to be pulled back into yours"  she tells him he chuckles "our spirits have not rested in over 5,000 years and after all we've been through we deserve a "true vacation" so give it a week or so to "test it out".."  she says he nods with a smile then takes it from her hands gently "oh and I do believe Kisara has a sister around your age!"  she teases he chuckles "her name is Xyra Raet the odd thing is those are two name choices Qet gave Seto Kiaba when she wanted to give herself a name and I do believe she has a lavender, rose or cherry blossom shade of pinkish purple hair"  she says he laughs.... a few weeks after Atem and Isra left Yugi tried the Millennium Puzzle belt buckle Isra gave him and to his surprise it worked "h-how!?!"  Yugi asks with a soft surprised tone "how are you able to visit Atem as well as me!?!"  Isra asks he nods "well Atem is a part of me and I am a part of him as he is a part of you we are one anothers hearts after all.... truth be told long before he ever entered that very puzzle when it was a part of me a small piece of his soul.... or spirit if you prefer attached itself to it so you're visiting with that part of his soul slash spirit which is connected to the rest of him"  she explains "woah!"  he replies she chuckles softly and from that day forward Yugi kept "opening" his heart and entering the Millennium Puzzle Belt Buckle every couple of weeks to a month he didn't want to over excessively use it cause even though he misses them dearly he didn't want to be selfish what surprised him the most was that he got to meet and get to know her brother and the members of the Pharaoh's court as well as the "new" Pharaoh (Priest Seto) and visit with Qetesh as well "that is BOTH our doing you and me for we both want to see them and you help me and Atem be able to do that though to them this is probably all just a "really nice" dream for if it wasn't that could be bad for Seto and the others for who knows what would happen to their bodies as they "daydreamed" about the three of us"  Isra explains Yugi chuckles.... Xyra became Isra in very strange way for in everyone elses memories she was the one who told the stories of the Pharaoh Atem and his TRUE Queen.... the one of his heart not his title.... Isra who he somehow figured out were his real parents later in life no they never told him but it is possible he took her "Atem is a part of me and I am a part of him as he is a part of you we are one anothers hearts after all"  words quite literally for just like Atem her words seemed to have a secret meaning to them at times.... poor Yugi seemed to be the only one who remembers BOTH versions of his life and surprisingly isn't confused by it all then again Xyra looks NOTHING like Isra so that could possibly help in his memories of Xyra the two of them started dating a few years before Atem became a part of his life and she was the first and for a very long time the only one he told about the Pharaoh who lived in the puzzle his GRANDPA gave him though they did meet at the same time Yugi and Solomon met Isra for in his memories Xyra and Kisara's parents divorced and Xyra was "forced" to live with her dad who moved away while Kisara stayed with their mom who stayed in Egypt.... Xyra was there when Yugi once again met Jaden who he knew wouldn't recognize him since he believed what happened with Paradox happened a long time after that day.... which just so happened to be the day Jaden was scheduled to take his entrance exam so he could enroll in the Duel Academy.... and he gave Jaden his Winged Kuriboh in honor of when Isra had said she had never seen one before the day he actually met Jaden in well HIS (Jaden) future much to Yugi's surprise Téa SEEMED ok with the fact he started dating what he called "Isra's future twin" even though he believed she never got over her possessively obsessive crush.... which was almost as bad as Rebecca's crush on him.... and when I say seemed I mean she hides her jealousy of the fact he "once again" chose someone else over her Solomon, Joey and Tristen as well as Yugi's other friends LOVE Xyra just as much as they loved Isra and Qetesh.... well if they actually remembered them anyway which they only sort of do they remember them from when they went into Atem's memories to "save the world" but not before for in their minds it was Merytre Amunet, Chione, Xyra and Kisara....

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