Chapter 42

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"Foster" I chuckle quietly as he smothers my face with kisses. "My boyfriend is so hot" he whispers pushing me back onto the bed so he could attack me some more with his lips.

"Does this mean you like them?" I ask finally gettting him to stop. "I love them- I'll put them in now!" He cheers standing off of me so he could go back to his desk. "I saw them online and thought of you- well because you said you didn't have many earrings" I admit. He smiles sliding the small silver pieces in and clasping them on.

"They're little sting rays" he gushes looking at himself in the mirror. His hair half up today which I love. It looks so good on him.

"I'm glad you like them" I mumble shyly playing with my rings. "It took me three days to get the confidence to give them to you-" I cut myself off before I start rambling. "Like them? I love them they're so cute" he chuckles hopping on the bed with me.

"Just like you" he adds leaning over me for another kiss. "They look good on you" I hum giving him that kiss. "Thank you... you also look good on me" he flirts as I cover my mouth from how flustered I am. My face is probably so red.

"Stop Foster" I groan turning onto my stomach so I could hide my face. "Want to listen to music?" He asks randomly. I sit up to see he has his remote in hand and is already going onto YouTube.

"Yes!" I cheer loving music. It is such an escape for me. "Well you pick. Since you've got to help me widen my music taste still" he reminds me. I grab the remote from hesitantly. "We could listen to- no you need to- Hmm wait but- do you... sorry talking to much" I chuckle nervously as his hand moves to my back rubbing it softly.

"It's okay" he assures me even though I know it's not. Still I take a deep breath and start to type a song in anyway. What if he hates it? Judges it? What if he finds it offensive? People can be like that... maybe I should pick a different song. What song- he'll notice if I start back spacing now!

"Sunshine" the hand that is on my back slides around my waist and pulls me into a hug. "It's okay" Foster continues kissing my temple. I take a deep breath and finish typing in the song.

Setting the remote down it plays softly in the background. Foster smiles at the choice before looking back at me. He sits up some more his legs crisscross in front of him. He's so hot, but like adorable at the same time.

"I'm glad you like them- the earrings" I bring it up again and he feels the earrings before smiling. "Well I'm glad you like them on me... I'll wear them often" he chuckles. I nod moving in front of him nervously.

"Are you okay?" He asks with a smile and I nod leaning forward to give him a small peck, pulling away slightly staring at his lips. His eyes flickering to mine. We act fast, closing the distance between us.

I pull away from him, resting my forehead on his. Staying silent, he watches me curiously as I rest my hands on his shoulder. I use all my confidence to straddle his lap watching his smile widen as he slowly rests his hands on my lower hips.

"I love you" I whisper dropping my arms over his shoulders. "I love you too" he hums looking up at me with happy eyes. I put a hand on his cheek and lean in for another kiss not letting myself pull away this time.

He kisses me softly and sweetly our lips locking together and when we do separate for air seconds later we're latched onto each other again. One of my hands grips the back of his neck pulling him closer as the other cups his face.

"What did I do to get this sort of attention today?" He chuckles pulling away. I kiss his cheek and leaves small pecks down his neck before nibbling on a spot. The gasp that leaves his mouth makes my heart flutter.

I make my back up to his ear before pulling away slightly. "How would your parents feel with me bruising up your neck" I whisper before kisisng around his neck.

"Who cares what they think- do it. Please" he begs his hands moving down to my thighs, squeezing them tightly. I bite my lip, only stopping to go back to his neck. Focusing on one spot to quickly latch on to. He groans to himself letting his head hang back giving me more access as I move from one spot to the next adding teeth which soon turns to me becoming rougher with my lips. 

"You're mouth feels so nice" he moans as I swirl my tongue around the newest hickey. Once I had one side of his neck covered I move done to his collar bone. I get pushed back a bit, which startles me till I understand what he wants, ripping his shirt off.

Foster's hand goes to my ass and he pushes me forward onto him more. "Keep going sunshine it feels nice" he hums squeezing my ass. I do what he says, attacking his collar adding onto my trail of bruises. 

I don't think twice, licking a line up his neck.  I feel him shiver and move to kiss his jaw before making my way back to his mouth. He smiles and I give him one more peck before giving us a break.

He stares at me with such a lustful look, I smile shyly watching him. Noticing the hand that comes down on my ass hard before it even happened. I moan falling forward. That same hand pulls and squeezes on my ass as I sloppily kiss him.

His tongue plunges into my mouth exploring it as my hands grip at his shoulder and hair. We both have a hard time pulling away, coming back in for one more peck which then leads to another and another.

"I love you so so much" he hums kissing my cheek. "I love you too Foster" I return the words shyly. He continues to smile up at me before starting to move.

"I wanna see my neck" he admits. I roll myself off of him landing on my stomach. He goes to the mirror examining himself while I check out his abs and bruised up neck and collar. I did good- I think.

"Holy shit" he curses grabbing at his neck. "What did I do bad!?" I panic sitting up. "You fucking attacked my neck- that's hot- you're hot" his fingers trail down his skin and he smiles going to grab his phone.

"Come here" he calls for me. I stand without a second thought, hurrying over to him. His arm wraps around my waist and he squeezes me tightly as I look up at him examining what I had done.

I don't even register the phone as he looks down at me with a smile. "There we go, now I can remember forever who gave me theses wonderful things" he smiles looking at the mirror pic he had just took.

"Foster" I grumble hoping I didn't look gross in the picture. He squeezes my side and lets go looking at the picture with a smile. Putting the phone in front of me, making me groan. I look absolutely love sick- I mean I am, but still.

"I've never given anyone a hickey before" I admit turning to face him. YouTube had continued to play songs, once one was over the next started, all fitting the mood nicely. "You've had sex but you haven't give anyone a hickey?" He questions me putting his phone down.

His hands pull me against his bare chest and I comfortably wrap my arms around his neck. "Yeah, I've been told that I'm pretty good at getting used. I just... I have a hard time telling whether someone's actions are genuine or not and I struggle with things and if they are real or not. So people will get close to me- to fuck and maybe get some money and then leave when they realize I talk to much" I tell him my eyes falling to the floor.

His hand moves to hold the side of my head before he guides me to his shoulder rocking us around. "People would get annoyed because I wouldn't stop moving- talking, or like fidgeting. Then when they found out about the constant need of reassurance and the anxiety that's when they left for good" I sigh getting kissed on the head.

"What jackasses" he grumbles and I nod. "People in New York can be very mean... I mean anywhere really" I whisper getting squeezed again. "I'd never do that to you, I love that mouth of yours. Everything it does. Smiles, laughs, talks, pouts... all of it" he whispers. I pull away some look into his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you a lot" I admit his adoring eyes changing to sad ones.

"We still have a bit- don't think about that now"

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