Chapter 61

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"Yes, I got the email with everything. I'm about to open the results now" he smiles into his phone as I watch him suspiciously. He was in the kitchen and he has been on the phone a lot. I can never tell who it is. We've all been suspicious. Well Ariel knows. We tried sneaking into his phone but it was just a random number.

I watch intently with Dalton as Abe opens the envelope shakily. He unfolds a paper and his smile somehow widens. "He's yours" I don't know what happen but the person on the other end was suddenly loud enough for Dalton and I to hear. We look to each other shocked.

"Let me talk to him first and then we can plan something okay, he's a sensitive child and he's been through a lot. I love him too much to let anything hurt him" he waits for something and then says a quick goodbye before hanging up. Smiling he folds the paper and looks at me.

"Come on esavedropper, let's go" he beckons for me. I stand with Dalton who is immediately told to stay. I'm hesitant to follow Abe into his shared room with his wife. He closes the door and sits on the bed patting the spot next to him.

"I'm going to try and quickly explain this, but a day after the video was released a man found my number and called me. Turns out he had a fun night with your mother over 18 years ago. I didn't want to get your hopes up so I had him send me something. The DNA test I made you take... Sebastian- he's your father." He really didn't beat around the bush. My mouth goes dry and my hearts stops.

Does he hate me? Will he hate how I look? Will he hate me for being gay? What about my ADHD!? Will he be upset?

"Sebastian... it's okay buddy. You don't have to meet up with him or ever see him. He understands. He told me he'd like to meet you and possibly be in your life. He's sorry. He had no idea he has a son. He also said if you want him to leave you alone he'll understand but he really wants a chance" he continues to explain wrapping an arm around me. I lay my head on his shoulder, giving in and breaking down.

I wanted to know where my dad was my whole life- the scenarios I made up of him up. I made up a name- what he looked like and everything.

"Can I know his name?" I mumble. "Joey Dotony" he says it as if he'd rehearsed it. "I'd like to meet him" I say it quickly before letting my face fall into my hands. "I want too- I've wanted to meet my father for so long, but I'm scared. Another person to disappoint" I blubber getting pulled into a hug. "Stay calm it's okay. It's going to be okay. He knows a lot about you. About your mother... the whole situation. He wants a chance to love you. He never married and doesn't have any other kids" he explains.

"Does he know what I look like?" I huff getting a nod. "He's a blonde like you" my mouth drops at those words. "Really!? He has blonde hair too!" I cheer suddenly excited. "Can I see a picture!?" I exclaim and Abe nods going into his phone.

"I gotta get back onto Facebook" he chuckles and after a few short clicks he's handing me the phone. A handsome blonde man with honey eyes. His smile bright and his eyes kind. His pictures show that he seems to have fun. His hair is straight like mine but barely past his ears. He has a short stubble of lighter brown hair along his jawline in most of the pictures sometimes it's bare- he seems very happy. I don't want to take that from him.

"He's going to be excited you want to meet him- he's flying from Michigan" he laughs as my eyes widen. "He wants to meet me that bad!?" I ask getting a nod. "When he called at first he just insisted that you were his and that he had to meet you so he wanted our address. I eventually calmed him enough to make a reasonable plan" he adds which I am quite thankful for.

"Can I go hangout with Foster?" I ask not sure if it was okay for me to leave or not. "Of course. I need to pick Alex up from practice anyway. Want me to drop you off?" He asks and I nod. Taking out my phone as we got ready.

'Can I come over?'

I ask my boyfriend since nobody else is home and I really wanted to talk. Dalton and Charlie being all lovey on a date and Alice is at some smart club thing.

'Of course'

I don't bother answering and hop into my uncle's truck. "I'm glad you're taking the chance to meet him... you're taking this all really well" he smiles rubbing my shoulder as we pull out of the driveway.

"I'm nervous. The thing is I'm scared to cry too much- the doctors keep saying I've been too emotional and that's why I'm freezing up because of all the stress and crying. I want to freak out- and panic and internally I am, but I'm scared" I admit.

He nods looking over at me for parts of but doesn't say anything until we parked. Kissing my forehead he rubs my cheek. "Don't bottle it up. Release your emotions. We'll find ways to handle and help you throughout and during your episodes. I'm excited for you though. I'm very excited that you can finally see how a parent is suppose to treat you" he whispers kissing my temple again.

"I love you and appreciate you a lot" I murmur. "I love you too" he tells me. I smile and close the pick up truck door trudging into the store. "Oh my favorite Sebastian!" Pearl yells running over and hugging me. She immediately ditches her husband for me and guides me into their house without a word.

"Would you like something to drink? Or eat? I can bake or cook something!?" She exclaims her son stepping into the kitchen and grabbing me. "Mother he's here to hangout with me not be force fed by you... you can do that later" he assures her and she sighs kissing my cheek and then her sons before retreating downstairs mumbling.

I chuckle before hugging Foster tightly. My boyfriend drags me into his room closing the door and pushing me onto his bed. I snuggle into the soft pillow while he jumps next to me his arms curling over my body.

"Can I tell you something?" I whisper unsure. "Of course"' he hums pulling me into him more. "My dad contacted my uncle" I say simply feeling him freeze. "Oh... I haven't heard much about your dad but you said he had no idea you were even born... so is this a good thing?" He mumbles tracing things onto my back.

"My uncle made sure it was the real deal and I gave him permission to come visit me... he seems nice and he looks like me kinda- he's blonde like me! There's no other blonde in our close family!" I sit up and look down at him with big excited eyes.

"Awww that's good" he reaches up to rub my cheek. "What if he hates me- or finds me annoying... I'm scared. I've dreamed of meeting my dad since I was little and- and I just..." I trail off trying not to get emotional.

Foster sits up and scoots back against the wall before putting his arms out for me. I bite my lip but straddle his lap. He babies me rocking us back and forth. "It's okay to be scared, or sad" he coos at first, but I shake my head.

"He obviously really wants to meet you I think he's going to be a good guy. If he isn't I'll beat his ass for coming into your life just to fuck you over" he mutters making me chuckle slightly.

"For somebody who doesn't do violence I've heard you threaten lots of people" I smile slightly making him smile. "If you haven't caught on yet I'm very protective of you" he groans pressing our foreheads together.

"Breathe" he continues and I let out the breath I had been holding in. "You know you can cry- I understand how stressful this all is" he contiunes. "But what if-" the tears start streaming when he cuts me off.

"I've got some of your stuff here. If you start to freeze I'll move us around some, okay. Don't worry sunshine I'll take care of you" he rocks us back and forth. His words and touch send me over the edge, I break down bawling.

"Just tell me if you feel yourself starting to get light headed or feeling faint" he hums kissing me softly not bothered by my hot tears.

I kiss back ignoring them too. He's trying to distract me from my thoughts. Foster pulls away, softly wiping my tears.

"No matter what he says I will always love you"

Summers Away ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora