Chapter 41

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We all found a spot at a picnic table, Dalton sitting on top and in front of Charlie. Alice is sitting next to those two and it is me, Foster, and Alex on the other side. Foster in the middle.

"What did everyone get? I need to judge you all?" Foster asks looking between us all. "I got a butterscotch sundae" Alice admits making Dalton hold back a laugh.

"You definitely seem like the person who would like butterscotch" he chuckles and she nods taking another bite of her ice cream. "Two scoops of cookies and cream" Charlie tells him easily and Foster nods. "Safe answer. Safe, yet good answer" he deems it appropriate making me chuckle.

"A scoop of strawberry shortcake with some strawberries on it" Dalton smiles kicking his legs a bit before stopping. "Very fruity like you- understandable" that comment made us all laugh.

Dalton definitely looks the fruitiest out of all of us. Even now he is wearing pale pink shorts and a white crop top. Charlie doesn't mind at all as he uses his free hand to knead into Dalton's thigh.

"I got the clown sundae- don't judge me it's cute as fuck" Alex mutters as we all try to hide our laughs so she won't have a tantrum. "Childish like you. Makes sense" he critiques it anyway.

"Shut your trap Mr. Man" she tells him. He chuckles looking over at me. "Heath flurry"  I mumble nervous for his judgment. "Safe" he nods and I release the breath I had been holding and take a bite of my ice cream.

"What about you Gordon Ramsey?" Dalton asks sarcastically making us laugh. "Moose tracks" he smiles proudly. "Damn it" "fuck!" "Can't make fun of that!" I laugh at their comments as Foster chuckles looking over at me.

He takes a scoop of his and puts it in front of me, l I gladly take a bite. "Good?" He asks. I look up at him with a smile. "Very" I smile pulling him down for a kiss.

"Yeah it does taste pretty good" he flirts pulling away from me. "So we are stuck in this random ass town for how long?" Dalton buds in waving his spoon around.

"Another two hours" Alice checks her phone repeating the news. "Well what can we do?" Alex sighs walking around with her little sundae. Abe has a meeting here in town for work so he brought us all for a change of scenery. It's like a twenty minute drive so there ain't no way I'm walking.

"Let's nap" Charlie hums setting his head done on Dalton's thighs. His ice cream was pretty much gone. "Yeah sleepy boy?" Dalton hums playing with his mess of curls.

"Mhmm" he whispers. Out of nowhere Alex sits down, setting her cup up the table before slouching backwards. Letting her back lightly hit the grass. "I'm sure we can think of something fun" I suggest with an uneasy smile. I didn't really want to suggest anything because a lot of things I find fun they find childish. I've learned to not say those things anymore.

I get a peck on the head and come back into the conversation smiling at my boyfriend. I don't think he knows that I know, but when I zone out he'll kiss my head. He does it because I get embarrassed when people ask me if I'm alright and that literally makes me fall in love with him even more.

"See that big wooden park over there?" Alice asks pointing behind us. The three of us on my side turn around to look. Well two, since Alex was currently in her own world doing god knows what.

"Yeah?" I say confused where this could be going. "The one that looks like it could be in a horror movie?" Charlie chuckles happily sitting up from Dalton's legs.

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