A True Dragon

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Well see ya there people how have all of you been? In my case I just finished finals so I do have plenty of free time so I expect more chapters with more regularity if my inspiration is stable. Anyways enjoy the chapter. 

-_-_- A True Dragon -_-_- 

Soon where we left the dragon tamers entered the grant hall as per the hunters world. As soon as they entered they encountered a pretty similar place to their own grand hall at Berk. The first people they encountered were a middle aged woman who was holding some books with dedication but at the sight of the dragons or wyverns in her knowledge she practically went into panic mode and in a misstep she fell, losing her grip of the pile of 8 books. The team immediately saw it and tried to help but as soon as the dragons beside them took one step the girl crawled far from them. 

Hiccup: wow hey there calm down - he tried to lessen the situation - 

????: How about you get way from those things - she exclaimed frantically behind a table - 

Astrid: don't worry they aren't dangerous - looks the twin dragon who was looking at the place as to wanting to explode it - well in the most part 

Harper: calm down Rima they coming with me - he said - 

Rima: Are you sure Harper? - she asked nervously - last time this happened a baby tetsu bashed the place - she said to the now shamed hunter - 

Harper: don't worry this time the wyverns are under control - he stopped and looked at the riders - right? 

Hiccup: don't worry about them - he said petting Toothless lightly who took them gracefully - 

Rima: alright just don't trash the place will you Harper - she said - 

Harper: don't worry Rima - he assured ending with the girl leaving - now take a seat will ya - he said sitting at a large table - after all we still need to discuss the matter - he stated seriously - 

A bit shackled by his sudden tone change the team fitted either way with their respective dragons on their side and awaited for the first word. 

Harper: So anything to ask? I'm sure that i can answer with ease so go ahead vikings - he exclaimed - 

Hiccup: all right so first what do you do with the captured monster? - he asked - 

Harper: - a bit hesitant he still responded - we usually do about 3 operations on them physical, mentally, and extraction but only if specified or needed - he answered - 

Hiccup: so with physical you search in any sight of changes am I right - he said gaining a nod from Harper - ok, and mentally is for any conduct change right? - gaining another nod - and what is extraction? 

Harper: extraction is only when a person needs something from a monster only obtainable by it being alive or careful extraction such as specific scales, teeth, or in some cases part of monsters - this changed the tone to more aggressive from the riders - but don't worry the part needed is always regenerable for the monster anyways - he cleared the misunderstanding - alright I answered you so whos next 

Without second thought the twins raised their hands and swiftly exclaimed if there were any type of new boar in the place. 

Harper: not any actually but the closest we have to it is a pig with grass growing on top of it - he answered quick - 

This just bummed the twins although they were interested in the pig mentioned. 
Soon the next was Astrid regarding how frequent hunts were per day.

Harper: only 1 or 2 per day although they take about 3 to 4 days to be completed depending on the monster - he answered - 

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