The New World

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Well hello there it seems that this story is gonna have some good success I quite don't still but hey it's still good.

I just hope you like this chapter and if you did greato. 

-_-_- New World -_-_-

After all the Seregios encounter shenanigans the team decided to continue again after healing Hookfangs injuries (that weren't that bad) and after distributing the resources so Hookfang doesn't have to carry that much they continue their flight once again. Time passed and not a single view of an island made its appearance although the team still held hopes as they encountered a new dragon and if he existed then surely an island full of them might exist too. 8 hours have passed and they have stopped in different locales to rest a bit and then continue their travel until something unexpected happens. The skies were cloudy as per usual as it seems this was part of the new territory they were approaching but soon the dragons picked up something the team didn't. Hiccup notices how his dragon suddenly tense up. 

Hiccup: you okay there buddy? - he asked his scaly friend -

But he did not expect Toothless to suddenly stop with the other dragons trying to find whatever is bothering him.

Hiccup: hey hey bud what happened!? - he exclaimed worried for his behaviour - 

Astrid: Hiccup there's something lurking within the clouds - she pointed to a shadowy figure on the clouds - 

Hiccup: everyone take position now!! - he ordered soon to be followed - 

The team took no time and positioned themself for any danger coming from the clouds. The clouds covered anything from the beast but the dragons knew something was there stalking them and it wasnt by any means friendly. 

Hiccup: move out of the way!! - he screamed looking at a fireball coming towards them - 

They did get out of any harm present and thanks to that fireball the monster was revealed.

The crimson dragon roared forcing the riders to close their ears while the dragons took no hesitation and launched their attacks

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The crimson dragon roared forcing the riders to close their ears while the dragons took no hesitation and launched their attacks. The only attack that connected was from Toothless but it wasn't enough as it started to fly around them to wait for a perfect opportunity to strike. The others were nervous about what the creature was gonna do but suddenly it seemed as if it heard something and went directly to the sound.

Fishlegs: something must have bothered him - he said - 

Hiccup: follow him!! - he said pointing to the fleeing dragon - he must be running to it's hide - he exclaimed - 

Soon all followed the dragon in a silent manner in order to avoid any problems with it but the discovery they made was incredible. 

Underthem was a beautiful landscape full of life and divinity upon their eyes.

A new world in the archipelago जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें