First Contact

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Heya there welcome back to a new chapter I hope you enjoy and leave some type of opinion as I would really appreciate it.

-_-_- First Contact -_-_-

The team as soon as they arrived on the island made preparations for the new travel they would do for quite an unknown amount of time. 

Snotlout: So you're telling me that a single man took down 3 dragons on his own!!?? - he exclaimed surprised - 

Fishlegs: much better a teenager it was quite weird that Stoic specify that - he replied - 

Astrid: it was clear that he wanted to specify the danger we were about to battle - she said - if a single teen did that then the adults are gonna be the real problem - she said - 

Snotlout: So do you at least know where we are going? - he asked Hiccup - 

Hiccup: the map points to the east and as Fishlegs said is going to be a long ride so prepare as much food as possible - he ordered -

Ruffnut: ooh what do you think we find upon the horizons sister - asked the twin - 

Tuffnut: ooh how about yaks the size of dragons

Ruffnut: or yaks the size of chickens - he said holding his fetheary pal - the possibilities are endless - he said hugging her neck with one arm -

Soon all the dragon riders were ready to depart for a long trip and they did. Soon seconds turn to minutes, minutes to an hour, and an hour to many hours. The team were visibly tired especially their dragons as they had to deal with their friends' weight including their food supplies. 

Fishlegs: hey Hiccup I think we should camp for the night - he offered - the sun is already going down and our dragons seem to need some rest - he said - 

Astrid: I agree we should probably take a rest - she agreed - 

Hiccup: alright we are stopping in the next island we encounter - he said to his team - 

Soon the next island came some 27 miles later where the dragons were at the doors of blacking out but thankfully all had an easy landing except Snotlout he got launched by his drago as soon as they reached land. The island was warm but soon turned to a cold temperature so a fire was needed soon. The area was sandy but still patched with shining grass, trees were healthy, and the wildlife seemed to be way too peaceful… 

Hiccup: alright everyone I hope you all sleep well as tomorrow we are going when the sun shows up - he said - as for know I hope you all sleep well 

The bonfire was quite big but necessary to stop some of the teams from freezing at night although they still had their dragons for heat. 

Soon all fell asleep in the joyful and peaceful night or they thought that would be the case. 

Around 2 in the morning the bonfire was out, Astrid was awakened due to her dragon moving; she thought nothing of it until Stormfly quickly stood up and growled to the unknown of the forest. 

Astrid: what? What is it girl - she said composing herself - 

Soon she heard what made Stormfly agitated and protective, a clattering sound made its appearance in her ears. This caused her to snap out of her sleepiness and took out her axe in position herself aside from Stormfly ready to attack at the first sight of danger. 

The noise from stormfly caused the others to wake up.

Hiccup: what is happening Astrid - he said yawning -

Snotlout: yeah why's your dragon causing so much noise - he exclaimed annoyed - 

Astrid: there's something stalking around us - she stated - 

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