The Duke and I

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The Duke and I

-Misty POV-

Racing back home aboard my Galarian Rapidash, I hurried to my room. If Rose were to beat me there she would know I hadn't slept in it all night, risking another scandal. I thankfully got to my room before she had even made it to my room and none of the other servants knew. Undoing my boots and quickly throwing them aside, striping off my riding dress now covered at the hem with mud. Quickly finding a clean night dress I threw it on over my under garments. Finally getting into bed I tried my best to act like I was still asleep and had been sleeping in it all night. I had barely had my head hit my pillow for 10 seconds when Rose entered saying, "Morning miss."

Faking a yawn I said, "Rose, has my sister yet awakened?" Rising from my bed, we proceeded to head to the drawing room. Where we found our head maid dabbing a moist towel against Daisy's forehead. Daisy was saying, "I did not overindulge. Truly it was just a poor night of sleep."

"I shall fetch a glass of raw eggs and garlic, ma'am." Our head servant Mrs. Wilson said, sympathetically. Daisy noticing me at the doorway asked, "Are you feeling better, Misty?" Just as I was about to respond she continued, "Perhaps, I too, caught whatever it was that sent you home early from the party." Holding the moist towel against her head. Scarcely opening her eyes. "I have a terrible headache, indeed." Not knowing how to break the news to her of this early morning, she looked at me and asked, "What is it?

"I am engaged." I responded rather bluntly but calmly not having a better strategy to start.

"Oh!" Daisy chuckled now reapplying the towel to her head. Trying to smile she said, "Well, that is wonderful news. will be a princess."



"No, I will not. Daisy, I am engaged to the duke." I stated realizing she still thought I was marrying Prince Rudy. Her eyes perked up like she was now fully awake, squeezing the water out of the towel unintentionally dripping it onto the rug. "The duke has asked for my hand, and I accepted."

Daisy gasped now having her real smile across her face, before she looked at me like she didn't really see me before and had some concern cross her face. "You do not seem pleased. Whatever is wrong?" She asked.

"Oh no. No – Nothing is wrong." I said trying to play it off like she was misreading me, "It simply happened so quickly." Not that I would tell her I proposed instead of Ash. "I've not had a moment to take it in." That part was mostly true, but only in that it did happen so quick. "But I am overjoyed, Daisy, truly."

With that Daisy rose and said, "Well of course you are." Opening her arms and hugging me, "You are to be a duchess. Oh Misty!" She was laughing enjoying this moment far more than I expected her to. "I knew there was something between you...ruse or not!" She gestured at me going back to grab the towel quickly dabbing her head before continuing, "Well, tell me. Tell me everything! How do you feel?"

As she began to use a small fan, I responded, "So... in love." Daisy laughed at this, "I'm unsure how I can be expected to wait an entire month to marry." I smiled genuinely because I really did not want to wait as Leaf was at the back of my head. "Could we not obtain a special license to marry this week?" Daisy's face turned from joy to a bit concerned. I hesitated a second before starting, "I do not wish to lie to you...but, the duke and I –"

Raising her hand up Daisy said, "You do not need to tell me anything." Smiling again in a somewhat empathetic tone. She then came a bit close to me before almost whispering, "Whatever happened between the two of you, it is alright." She said chuckling, "I know good society makes quite a fuss about such things...but when it comes to love, such things happen more frequently than one might expect." She looked over my head as she continued, "Even Tracey and I, well, we had trouble controlling our passions as well." I was about to respond horrified that my sister was admitting something similar happened between her and Tracey before they were wed, when Mrs. Wilson returned with the glass to help her hangover. "Your drink, ma'am."

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