Chapter 11 : Stupid.

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4 AM in the morning.

"Pete??" Vegas woke up and trying to focusing his eyes when he sees someone sleeping on the chair by the window, next to his bed.

"Hmm.. you awake? Wait a minute."

Leo comes back after three minutes, Vegas still porcessing everything but can't do anything since his head is really hurt.

"Here. Drink this. Pete told me to make you this when you wake up."

"Where is he? And who are you?" Vegas said as he rise his body trying to sit his body up.

"He's at Candy's. And i'm Leo. Someone who can take care of him in the future and make him forget about you." Leo said.


Five minutes later, Vegas already finished the drink that Leo made. Leo curious why did Vegas stay quiet and not response to what he said earlier.

"Why didn't you leash out?"
"What do you mean?" Vegas asked.
"I just said something about Pete, didn't it bother you?"

"No. You can say whatever you wanted. But one thing i know, Pete still care about me and have zero interest in you." Vegas and his confidence talking.

"What the fuck are you talking about? He cares about you because you passed out and shouting his name like a lunatic. Of course he felt guilty." 

"I'm not talking about getting drunk last night.
I'm talking about how he asked you to make this--" Vegas shows his empty mug on his hand.
"He only thought about how to reduce my headache after last night." he added.

"He's a nice guy. Of course he thought about that to his ex." Leo replied.

"But it also show me how he didn't even care about you. Who's your name again?" Vegas said.

"How can you say he didn't care about me? You didn't even know how he talks to me, how he smiles when he's with me, and--" Vegas with his smirk didn't even let Leo finished his words

"Dude.. If he cares about you, he wouldn't let you stay here with me. He definitely knew that i might ended up hurt you or maybe kill you. Or at least makes you dying. But he still let you stay here. It makes me realized that you are nothing to him." Vegas stood up and grabbed his phone on the bookshelf next the bed.

Leo stays on his chair and thinking really hard about what Vegas said.

"Hi, Pete.." Vegas calls Pete, and Pete answers. 

"Thank you for the lemon thing. Ah, yes, i still got a little headache but it's gonna be fine in an hour i think. Ya.. ya.. this guy is still here. Oh his name is Leo? Yea i asked but i forgot it already. Okay.. Yes, thank you.. Okay, i'll text you."

Vegas hung up and Leo stood up and walking towards the bedroom door.

"Just.. next time.. Don't get over confidence when Pete is nice to you. He's nice to everyone. Maybe everything. He even gave his last penny to the homeless who asking for money in the street. He even nice to a spider. He wouldn't kill the spider even if he's afraid of them, because he said if he killed the spider, their family would be looking for him or her. Stupid, but it's just the way he is. He is nice to everything. Don't get your confidence boost up only after he was smiling at you or laughing to your jokes. It was nothing compared with how much he loves me." 

"But why did you treat him like shit?" Leo turned around and grabbed Vegas' neck.

Vegas shoved Leo's hand, "Hhhahh.. If he loves me endlessly like this even if i treated him like shit, can you imagine how he'll love me if i treat him like god?"

"What are you up to?" Leo asked.

"I'm on my way to treat him like a god. To sweep off the dust like you and Lian, who always thought that you are better than me." Vegas walked out the room, grabbed his car key, and walked away.

"Pete.." Leo called Pete immidiately.
<Yes, Leo. Is there's something wrong with Vegas?>
"Nothing wrong. I just want to tell you that he left, just now, i don't know where."

Leo hung up right away, and he realized that what Vegas said was right. It means, he have to work harder if want Pete to completely forget about his shitty ex.


"Pete.." Vegas show up on Pete's faculty building. He wasn't with Candy at that time.

"Hi, Vegas. What are you doing here?"

"Let's have lunch together." 

"No, Vegas, i can't. Sorry." Pete walked away, he knew that it's gonna be the first step to entering the hell again. He doesn't want to get involve with Vegas in every possible way. Last night were totally different story. He needs help and drunk, of course he have to help his ex. Right?

"We had fights. Me and Leo, your new boyfriend." Vegas lies.

"What? Are you okay?" he turned his back immediately and checked on Vegas' condition. He grabbed Vegas' arms and observed every inch of his face and notice that there's no bruise there.

"You were lying--" he said.

"'There.. I'm the only one that you asked if i was okay or not. You didn't even care about that Leo guy, right? And i know you also didn't care about Lian, he still tweeting about how his crush didn't even text him to ask about his new job or even asking how he was doing. I know he's talking about you." Vegas rubbing Pete's face and Pete didn't even dodge Vegas' hand.

"I came here only to take you for lunch. I'm not asking you to get back together or bring you to my apartment. Only having lunch together. Okay?" 

"Hmm.." Pete nodding. 

"Can i hold your hand?" Vegas asked when they were walking to parking lot.

Pete nodded and Vegas hold his hand right away.

'It's yours anyway.' Pete said inside his head.

He knows, he loves the person next to him so much. So much!! He couldn't even sleep last night, thinking how Vegas screaming calling his name in his sleep. He knew Vegas also feels hurt because he left. Then again, he's been here before, trust him too fast and fell in the same hurt feeling again. So this time, he'll follow what Candy told him. Take time and wait until Vegas change himself.

But still, in Pete's head and heart- Also his feeling and his mind, it hurts for him if he stays with Vegas. But it hurts more if he have to live without Vegas.



"So.. Leo was the one who dropped you off that night?" Vegas asked as he shoving a spoon full of beef teriyaki to his mouth.


"He's a good looking guy, not gonna lie. But he's stupid."

"You're the one who got C- on math class, Vegas."

"I'm not talking about book smart, i was talking about street smart. The minutes i woke up, he straight up saying that he's your future boyfriend or something. Morron--" he said those words with his straight face.

"You didn't do anything to him, right?"

"No. It might sounds funny, but i drafted myself to boxing class. I called my brother and he said it'll be better if i throw puches at the punching bag than people."

"Where? It must be a lot of guys there-"

"Hmm... are you getting jealous? Do you want to come watch me practice?" Vegas teased Pete, he really enjoy seeing Pete looks sulking like this.


"Hmm.  Tomorrow, 6 PM. Every tuesday, thursday, and Sunday. Do you want to come see me practice tomorrow?" 

"Pick me up at Candy's.." Pete said.

"Okay.. Can i kiss you?" Vegas said as Pete's lips still pouting. 

"Vegas!! It's public place!" Pete hits Vegas' hand on the table and looking around worrying there's someone heard what he said.


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