Chapter 2 : Calamity.

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It's already a month of his internship, there's another two months to go. This month, Vegas always come home late and never be able to drop me off or pick me up anymore. I get it, he's busy. So today i'm gonna bring him dinner since he told me he's got a lot of work and going to come home late again.

 I prepared this dinner by myself. I spent an hour to stew this beef and the next hour to mixed all the spices inside. His favorite meal, beef curry. He's gonna love it.


"Excuse me, i want to meet the editor here, Vegas. Where is he?" i asked security guard who sits in the front of management office. I've asked the front office and she lead me here.

"Mr. Vegas is using the meeting room back there." he pointing to the room on the end of the hall.

"Can i come in?"

"Yes, this is after office hour, you can come in." he said.

I walked with excitement, i'm about to meet him at his office

I'm about to open this blurry glass door when i heard Vegas' voice.


I open the door and saw a guy is on top of him, sweaty and butt naked. On the huge wooden table. I was so shocked when they were looked at me, he is Podd, Vegas' ex-boyfriend. They heard the door and stop what they were doing.

Vegas pushes Podd's body and pulls up his trousers and come running towards the door, but he didn't have the chance to grab me because i already sprint to the main door. The security guard asked my what was wrong until he stopped talking when he saw Vegas with his messed up clothing is running after me, with Podd following behind him.

"Pete.. Pete.. please listen." Vegas trying to stop me, but i still walking and get inside the elavator. That security guard noticed what happened and blocked Vegas from coming after me. I gave him a thank you sign as i bowed my head before the elevator door closed.

I saw the line of taxi and get inside the taxi right away after i touched the main road from his office which in the office complex.

"Greenwich Apartment Building, please." i told him where i'm heading, i'm planning to take all my stuffs and go somewhere else. All the way home, i was crying, the driver asked me several times if i was okay and if i need anything. He even give me a free ride which i turn down and keep paying the full price.


I already packed up my stuffs and ready to go, i only bring my backpack and a luggage full of clothes. I didn't bring any electronics because it's all belongs to Vegas. This is originally Vegas' place, i moved in after we were officially dating.

"Pete.." i was putting my shoes on when Vegas shows up on the door.

"This time, i really have to go." i said it and trying to leave but he blocked the door.

"Pete, i'm sorry.."

"What? You want to ask for another chance? Like the last time?" this is only between me and him, i was never told anyone, not even my bestfriend Candy. Vegas already cheated on me multiple times.

"Pete, please.."

"Okay, i'll stay if you can answer my question."

"What is it?"

"How many men that slept with you when you were in a relationship with me? And how many times you did that?" we were together for two years in 4 months. And he got caught having sex with another guy for more than 8 times with 5 different guys. And i also watched the video of him having sex on the car with other guy on his phone, he said this guy is sending that to him and their sex being recorder without his consent. And the latest, before Podd, i caught them kissing his junior from his major. If i didn't catch him, maybe in 10 minutes he already dicking him down. And that was only what i knew, either i caught him red handed or i found out from his texts or any others evidences.


"You can't answer me, right? Because in this 2 years, you had too many affairs, Vegas. And i forgave you all along. I still preparing your breakfast, i still ironing your clothes, i even still kissed your lips and have sex with you even though i know you were always did it with another guy."

I keep my calm while holding back my anger, i really want to burst out and yelling at him, but i'm too tired for doing that. Now i still trying to push his body so i can go through the door.

"Pete.. I'm really sorry."

"With him, how many times you did it? This whole month since your first day there, you always coming home late, was it because of him?" i asked and he was just stood still in silence.

"You did it with him every night? Since day one? I thought you were not asking for sex because you were too tired because of all your duty as an editor. In fact, you are too tired because you were busy fucking your ex. Okay, i've heard enough, i've said enough. Now please, excuse me." i said.

"Pete.. i'm so sorry. I'll leave the internship tomorrow, please don't leave." he start beggin. He thinks i'm gonna forgive him again.

"I can't handle any more pain, Vegas. I always granted your wishes when you asked me to forgive you. Now, can you grant my wishes? I want to broke up, and i want you to stay away from me." i talked as the tears running down my cheeks.

"Pete.. please stay.." Vegas rubbing my cheeks to wipe up my tears. I push his hands and walk through the door, this time, Vegas moved his body and let me leave. I saw his tears also running down his cheeks from the corner of my eyes.

I left.


"Candy.. where are you?" i called Candy.

<Hey, Pete, are you okay??>

"Can i come to your place?"

<Where are you? I'll pick you up.>


I cried the whole night, Candy is hugging me while still scolding me because i didn't tell him about Vegas' infidelity.

"You morron, never told me anything. If i knew he was cheated on you since the second month you were together, i'm gonna be the first person who kick him in the face. Even though i know i can't even reach his face with my feet, but i'm gonna do anything to hurt him because he hurting my bestfriend." Candy is crying next to me.

"Why are you crying, too?" i asked while sobbing.

"I'm sad. I knew there's something wrong, i supposed to push even harder until you told me all of these. Now i imagined how hard it is for you to keep all these alone. I'm sorry, Pete.." he cries even louder.

"From now on, you live here as long as you want. Like before you knew Vegas, we always living together, right?"

"Thank you, Candy!"



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