Chapter 4 : Blue and Greyish Rain.

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After i spilled everything on my mind to Vegas this morning, i keep thinking what happen about him after that? How long did he cry? Did he call his ex and telling him about what happened and his ex comforting him? Did his bestfriend talk bad about me and congratulate him for broke up with me? Or did he happy and celebrating being single?

And everything seems normal until two weeks later, he didn't call or texted me, at all. I didn't even saw him anymore around campus. Few days ago i passed his faculty building and i didn't see any sign from him.

"What are you waiting?" phi Lian asked me when he saw that i checked my phones all the time while we're waiting for the rain to stops. It's 7.30PM in front of cafetaria which in this time is out of business.

"Are you waiting for Vegas to text or call you?" he added. And yes, i was waiting for him calling me because this is raining and i don't know how to get back home. He usually calls me just to scolding me if i forgot my umbrella like today.

"No, phi. I just get bored, we were waiting for 20 minutes and there's no sign this rain's gonna stop." i lied.

"Pete!" it's Foei, Vegas' bestfiend. He showed up from behind us, i don't know where were he from, it's definitely not his faculty.

"Come on, i'll drive you home! You have a presentation tomorrow, right." did Vegas told him that and asked him to drive me home?

"No, Foei. I'm gonna drive him home."

"You parked your car on Art building, you have to wait for the rain. But my car is here." he pointing out his car which right in front of my cafetaria back door.

"You have to recreate your presentation since you were wrong about the details, right? You should go home now with me, Pete." how did he knew? Even Vegas didn't know about this.

I finally said sorry to phi Lian and go back to Candy,s place with Foei. I assure phi Lian that nothing is gonna happen, Foei is a good guy and Candy's place only 15 minutes away.


"Phi Foei, how did you know about my presentation?" i asked out of curiosity, right after he started his car.

"Vegas told me, he said he heard your friend complaining about your presentation that you have to re-create because you missed a lot of the details."

"My friend? Who?"

"Yesterday we went to law building and we saw Candy, he talked to his friend that 'Pete have to re-create his presentation because he missed a lot of stuff, and it's due tomorrow morning'. Like that." phi Foei tried to imitated how Candy spoke, kind of funny for me because phi Foei is manly man with facial hair and looks so tough but trying to talked softy cute like Candy.

"And Lian posted your picture on his instagram story. So he called me and asked me to send you home safe. He knew you must left your umbrella and Lian always parked his car on art building because it's near to the exit gate. So you both have to wait until the rain stops. And it's gonna take a long time to finally stop. He thought you'll gonna messed up the assignment again if the time is short."

Foei explained everything, and i heard notification on my phone, it's Vegas.

<It's Wednesday,  tomorrow your fav series are dropping it's new episode, use my netflix account so you don't have to pay for the new one. Using my email and the password is Pete00000. Ask Lian to watch with you after you finish your assignment, have fun.>

"Phi.." i called phi Foei.


"Do you know where Vegas is?"

"At his place, he didn't go anywhere after work. He just went straight home. He even refused when i asked him to go out with me to drink. He said he avoiding that kind of place. I didn't know what his point, but yeah, he must be at home right now."

"Did he still work at his uncle's?"

"No, he got his internship at his cousin's boyfriend's advertising agent."

"Can you drop me off at Vegas' apartment?" phi Foei startled and staring at me weirdly.

"Okay.. Okay Pete. Hmmm, i turn around right now." phi Foei immidiately turn around and hit the gas.


I was knocking on Vegas' door and no one answers. I keep knocking and finally he open the door.

"Pete?" he seems shock and i just barged inside.

"Why are you here?"

"Why did you texted me this?" i threw my phone on his sofa.

"Sorry. Don't used my account then, i just thought you don't want to pay and want to use mine instead."

"Why didn't you text me and ask me about how's my life two weeks without you? Why didn't you call me and asked me about how's my exam since monday??" i talked softly.

"I know you're doing fine. Your hard times is only 3 days after the last time we talked at your faculty. You looked awful in those three days. But after that, you were doing just fine, so i don't wanna ruin your smile anymore." he answer with the tears coming out his eyes. Why does this person become so sensitive and cry easily?

"I'm not fine!! I tried so hard to look normal, but in the end of the day, i keep guessing did you slept with Podd this night? Or you bring home some random dudes from the club? Or did you fucking your neighbor? I'm not fine.." i cried, this feeling is messed up my brain. I came here and told him that i still think about him? This is stupid.

"No, i don't want to messed up someone's feeling anymore. I don't want to hurt anyone by sleep around with many guys anymore. I try to contain myself since that day when you broke up with me. I wanna get used with being alone until i'm ready to have a relationship again." he smiled.

I truly can see the sincerity on his face.

"You always love this kind of rain." he suddenly told me this, while walking passed me to the balcony door.

"Heavy rain at night, when the sky is blackout dark but there's a part in the sky where's the moon gave the dark sky around it a little light and it looks like greyish color, not bold black anymore." he added.

"Yes, i called it the greyish rain. When we can't see anything through the heavy rain, but we can still spotted out the moon by searching for the greyish sky." i answer.

"Just like you, Pete. You're my greyish rain. When everything is dark, people around me still can find the light in me, and the light is coming from you. You made people can see my greyish side and forget about my darker side." he still staring out the glass door.

 And in this rainy nights, i decide to do the craziest thing i've ever done. I stand up and walk towards him. Then i kiss the man who broke my heart.


🔞 Blue and Greyish Rain --- (VegasPete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ