Along came a Dragon.

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Just a heads up, I will be giving Mr. Komodo an actual name. I'm just waiting until the right moment to reveal it. Also, he will be shipped with someone. No, it's not Diane. So keep your pants on.


Los Angeles, Diner...

After eating his breakfast, after finding nothing wrong with it, the Komodo left the diner, and began the trek back to his jeep. On his way there, people gave him the same reaction as before, and just like before, it annoyed him. At least it wasn't like it was in the diner, otherwise he'd give these people a reason to fear him.

What happened in the diner was one of many examples of the Komodo losing his cool. Another example was what happened last night in Arizona.

He does wonder what happened back at the Dirty Dusk Duster after last night, but he'll worry about that later.

As he made his way back the way he came from, he saw a group of what he assumed were preppy college students, three boys and girls, surrounding something on the ground by the tech store.

Not really sure what to make of it, the Komodo dragon continued on his trek back towards his jeep.

However, it's what he heard from the conversation that made him stop in his tracks before he got too close.

"Why do you even bother walking in daylight, freak?" One of boys said, insulting someone that the Komodo couldn't see.

'What?' The Komodo thought, quietly getting closer to the group so they don't notice him.

"Yeah, the only people that would find you amusing are bug collectors." One of the girls spat.

"I'm not a bug!" A female voiced declared defiantly, feeling insulted.

As he got closer, the Komodo could barely see something between the legs of the group.

Whoever this was, they were definitely small.

"Whatever, spider freak!" The second girl cackled, making the group chuckle.

"Yeah, you get squashed, and no one will miss you!" The second boy exclaimed.

That last one struck a nerve in the Komodo.

They were picking on someone for being a spider!

It's not her fault, so what gives?!

Feeling his anger starting to rise, the Komodo stood behind the group in silence. He may have differences that make him stand out from his wild feral cousins, but he still retains some traits from them.

One of them being stealth.

"Like, ew! You want spider guts under your shoe?" The third girl said.

"Oh grow up, it's just a bug." The third male said.

"Is there a problem?" The Komodo growled in irritation.

The group turned around, and flinched in fear at the sight of the hulking lizard glaring at them.

"Holy shit!" The first boy exclaimed.

"I said. Is. There. A. Problem?" The Komodo demanded.

"Uh, no problem here sir!" The second boy said fearfully.

The Komodo wasn't convinced, he looked behind them to see who girl the group was picking on.

A tarantula.

She has orange and brown fur, eight legs (obviously), a pair of arms, and wore a dark grey hoodie with teal green headphones that are small enough for her size that she's wearing around her neck.

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