The Dragon in Los Angeles.

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I forgot to mention in the previous chapter that the blue jeep in the previous chapter is a cameo for Chief from my story, The Blue Scorpion.

Just wanted to let you know.

Also, this chapter takes place before the beginning of the movie.


It had been hours after the bar fight, and it's now day time. The big lizard, now known as the Komodo Dragon, is seen driving down the road in the early morning, and is heading for Los Angeles.

One of the places in the country the Komodo didn't like, was California. He'd list off the stuff he didn't like about it, but it would take too long. So long story short, and to save time, he hates California.

The Komodo soon arrived in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles hours later, and went looking for a place to eat. He had already slept in his jeep long after the bar fight long before he continued his drive here, also changed his all black attire for his casual wear before heading to the city.

His casual wear consists of a white sleeveless jean vest with a maroon red shirt underneath, navy blue colored pants, and black shoes.

Anyways, he's rested but now he's hungry.

He's lucky enough to not have the primitive drive his primitive feral cousins do. Seriously, his feral cousins are assassins when it comes to killing prey.

Anyways, he's looking around for a place to eat as he's driving by buildings. Currently he's having no luck. So he decides to pull over to side of the road to check his phone for a location.

He finds several locations, but none seemed appealing to him. At least, not for breakfast. He does find a diner that looks decent enough to him, plus it's within walking distance.

So he turns his jeep off, and gets out to walk after locking his vehicle.

As soon as he's on the sidewalk, he begins to meet people.

More like people see him, and immediately become terrified of him. Some either ran away, or screamed in horror then ran. It's mostly those two. Either way, he didn't care. It's still annoying.

'Bunch of chicken pricks.' The Komodo grumbled to himself in his mind.

He's met people who instantly became terrified of him before, and while understandable, he still finds it annoying when they assume his personality just because of what kind of animal he's born as.

The world's biggest lizard continued his short trek towards his destination, soon reaching a crosswalk. He could also see that the diner he's looking for is just up ahead.

He stood their by himself, waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green.

While waiting, someone walked up beside him, not paying attention, and waited with the lizard. The enormous reptile glanced at him, but didn't really care, and resumed paying attention to the crosswalk light.

It was seconds afterwards that the guy finally noticed who, or what, he's standing next to.

"AH! OH MY GOD!" He screamed as he fell back.

"Rude much?" The Komodo said.

"Please don't eat me!" The guy pleaded.

"Why the hell would I want to eat you?! Piss off, wimp!" The Komodo snapped angrily, and whipped his tail at him.

The guy flinched at the reptile's angry tone, and yelped when his tail whip cracked at his feet.

The Komodo growled irritably, and saw that the crosswalk light changed to green, so he began walking towards the opposite sidewalk.

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