why are goodbyes always so hard

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Sadie's POV

The next week flew by and I wished I never had to go.

I truly missed it here.

I've spent more time getting to know my brothers friends and what they did for fun. I found out about everything that's happened, for the most part.

Then I had to leave.

Cassidy already started the drive home, taking most of our stuff. Dallas, Soda, Pony, and Darry all dropped me off at the airport.

"You'll come visit, right?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back. I promise." I said, hugging him goodbye.

"I'll miss ya, kid. Don't stay gone too long. Promise?"

I started to cry. "I promise." I gave him a giant hug and Soda and Pony joined in.

Why are goodbyes always so hard?

I tried to stop crying, but a little tear here and there were still trickling down.

"Good luck, Sadie. It's been nice getting to know ya." Dallas said.

"You too, Dallas. I'll see ya." I said wiping the back of my hand over my cheeks.

"Bye, Sadie!" They all said as I walked through the gate.

I waved goodbye and started my way back home.


I sat on the couch watching TV, waiting for Cass to get home. She should be getting home pretty soon. It's been a full day back in New York and I already wanna go back.

There's nothing I want more than to just be back. To live with my brothers again.

I set the trophy and medal in my room next to my collection.

I've seen billboards and signs up saying "Home to Sadie Curtis! National Ice Skating Winner!" Or something along those lines.

Don't get me wrong, I'm super grateful and I love it, but it just made me miss being there. And not just ice skating, but everything about the city.

I've had this past day to think about what I wanted to do. It's all I've thought about. College is coming quicker than I think and I know it.

I called the judge. Told him I accepted his scholarship for ice skating and I'm majoring in business.

I just don't know how Cassidy is gonna take my decision.

I went to bed that night and when I woke up, Cass was at the table.

"Hey." I said with a yawn.

"Morning, Sades. How ya feeling?"

"Alright. But we need to talk." I said, trying to sound stern, but peaceful, in a way.

"What'd you do?" She asked.

"Nothing! Well, ok. Maybe something. I called the judge and talked to him about my scholarship. I'm going to college in the fall!"

"Awesome! Which college did you choose? What'd he say? New York University or Fordham University? Right? Which one did you pick!" She asked, excitedly.

"That's the thing... I'm actually going to the University of Tulsa..."

Her excited expression stayed the same. Like she didn't know how to change her face to fit what she was thinking.

"What?" She finally asked.

"I thought long and hard about it. I wanna live closer to my family. Im so grateful for everything you've done for me for the past three years. But this is something I wanna do. I'm finally the person I wanna be. And I'm still gonna stay in ice skating. They have one of the best programs in the United States for it."

She sighed. "I understand."

"You understand?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah. Family means everything. I wish my sister came home every once in a while." She said with a laugh.

"You aren't mad?"

"No. Not at all. I still wanted to be with you, but I understand."

"Move to Oklahoma." I said with a laugh.

"I wish I could. But your brothers will be excited. And I'll visit. I promise."

I couldn't contain my excitement anymore. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I'm going home!" I yelled, excitedly.


A few weeks went by and I had all my stuff packed up. The movers were on their way to Oklahoma.

"Well... I guess this is goodbye." I said.

"I'll visit as much as possible. So it's just a... see ya later." She said with a grin.

"Yeah. See ya later. Good luck, Cass. Don't find someone better than me." I said.

"My ice skate managing days are over. You'll always be my number one."

I smiled. "Why are goodbyes always so hard?" I asked with tears as I hugged her.

"I'll see ya very very soon, Sades. Good luck. Call me. I'll always be your number one fan."

I grinned. "I'll call you as much as I can. I'll see ya." I said, waving.

I got on the plane and I started to panic.

I never asked my brothers if I can move in with them again. I didn't think I'd have to. It's gonna be a surprise. But maybe this was a bad time for a surprise.

I spent the entire flight stressing about it all. But worse case scenario, I find a hotel for a long time.

I grabbed my luggage and went to the gate waiting for a taxi.

Except this time when I got in, it was just a normal taxi ride. No shenanigans. I gave him the address and he took me there.


I was dropped off and I grabbed my suitcase and hoped for the best. I have not stopped thinking about what I was gonna do if they said I couldn't stay here.

I knew they would.


Of course they would.

But oh, my God. If I was them, I'd never wanna talk to me ever again. They might have only been ok with me for a week, because they knew I was going back to New York.

Jesus Christ, they hate me!

I almost stopped the taxi driver and asked him to take me back to the airport.

But my stuff is already on its way here, I already applied to college...

I'm stressing for nothing.

Maybe if I told myself that enough I'd believe it.

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