till the end

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Sadie's POV

I woke up to the alarm clock next to my bed and I delightfully turned it off.

I jumped on Cassidy's bed and it woke her up.

I walked in the bathroom and quickly started to put my makeup on as I was eager to go.

"Sadie! What are you doing?" Cassidy asked, groggily.

"Getting ready! We've gotta be there at ten o'clock sharp!" I yelled, finishing up my foundation.

"What are you talking about." She said walking in the bathroom.

I put my brush down after I finished putting on half of my eye makeup. "What do you mean what am I talking about? The competition." I said, going back to my makeup.

She sighed. "Sadie, you aren't competing."

I dropped the brush. "What?"

"You're injured. It's just gonna make it worse."

"And you're telling me this NOW?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but it's not safe. Go back to bed. You aren't competing. I already talked to the judges."

"What!?" I screamed. "That's not fair! I think I deserve to make that decision!"

"I don't care, Sadie. You're gonna get even more hurt."

"No, I won't! I got the doctors note!"

"Sadie, no."

"Sadie, yes!" I retaliated. "What about your sister?"

"She broke her nose. She could still walk."

"She couldn't see from the puffiness!"

"It's different. No means no."

"Well, I don't like your answer." I said, continuing with my makeup.

"You aren't going. But now that you got me up, I guess I'll head to breakfast. Wanna come with?"

"No! I'm going to that competition." I said.

"Like hell you are. I knew you'd try this; so, I talked to the guards and the judges. Practically everyone who works in that building knows you are not allowed to compete. Understood?"

"No! Not understood! This isn't fair!" I yelled.

"Life's not fair. I understand this was unfortunate, but it's just how everything worked out. You haven't practiced in weeks, anyway."

"Yes I have. I went to open skate. I practiced a bit."

"How did you get that past me?" She asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"You weren't here." I said crossing my arms and putting my makeup away after finishing it up.

Cassidy brushed through her hair and put it in a ponytail. "Come on. Let's go out to eat and forget about all this. You did great. No need to push yourself to your breaking point."

"But I'm fine! It's not fair!"

I argued with Cassidy our entire way to the diner. I was livid!

She walked in and the girl said to pick a spot wherever we wanted.

"Sadie! Enough!" She yelled before she sat down.

I walked past a table of boys to where Cassidy sat down. "No! It's not fair! I've worked my ass off to be here! You BEGGED me to do this! I didn't even wanna come! This has been the greatest experience of my life and it's YOUR fault I'm missing it now!"

"I didn't ask for her to slice your leg open! I'm trying to keep you safe!" She yelled standing up. "Now sit down or leave!"

"You expect me to just sit down and watch Kathleen and Carly do what they've waited for? No! Are you insane?"

"Sadie! You got third place by default! You compete and there's no doubt in my mind you'll get eliminated. I didn't even think you'd make it this far!"

I stopped. "Why make me come if you didn't even think I could do it?"

"Because I wanted you to get a taste of hardcore competition where everyone is better than you! You aren't competing. Accept your third place prize and move on!"

"You had no faith in me..." I muttered.

"Sadie, don't twist this out of proportion."

"Twist this out of proportion? Out of proportion! You beg me to come here after I said no, and this whole time you didn't even think I could do it? You're insane!"

"I'm doing what's best for you!"

"No, you don't care. You just wanted to avenge your sister!"

"That's extreme." She retaliated.

"Put it how you want. I hate you." I said.

I turned around quickly, storming out of the restaurant and down the street.

I was gonna be in that competition. Win or lose I'm going till the end.

I ran back to the hotel before running to the arena. I quickly finished my makeup with final touches and did my hair. I changed my outfit and ran to the arena with my skates over my shoulders. It was 11:02 when I left the hotel.

"Hi, I'm here." I said to the guard.

"Sorry, ma'am I can't let you in."

"Why not? I'm competing. Sadie Curtis." I said, crossing my arms.

"I know, ma'am, but I'm instructed not to." He said keeping a straight face.

"Ugh. Fine." I said.

I walked around to the front doors and went right in.


I started towards the locker room and I was stopped. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you can't be here." He said. He was another security officer.

"So you can keep me out, but you couldn't get Madilyn off of me?" I said, sarcastically.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"What if I don't wanna?"

"Then we're gonna have to do this the hard way."

"I'm going to skate today." I said, trying to sound more confident.

I walked a bit more towards the locker room and he grabbed my wrist.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but that's not happening."

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry."

He pulled me towards this small room and locked me inside. I tried to open it, but it was locked. "Let me out!" I yelled.

There was another door to the side of the empty room. I tried to open it. Still locked.

"Let me out, let me out, let me out! This isn't fair!" I screamed.

I started to cry. I worked so hard. Cassidy lied to me. She didn't believe I could do it. I'm stuck in a closet and I don't even get to prove myself.

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