biggest day of my life

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Sadie's POV

After everyone cleared out, Kathleen and I went back to the hotel and we said goodbye. I walked up to my room and opened the door.

"Sadie! I've been waiting for you." Cassidy said, hopping off the bed.

"Oh yeah. That's what I forgot. Change rooms. Be right back." I said, sarcastically.

"Sadie, wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said the things I did. I didn't mean it."

"Mhmm. Ok." I said crossing my arms.

"I also wanted to ask how your leg is doin'. After that jump I thought you were gonna collapse."

"Of course you would think that. Now I'll be getting my stuff together and moving rooms."

"I understand you're mad at me and you have every right to be. But I've always been team Sadie and I always will be. I shouldn't have said what I did. I just wanted to keep you home. I've always had faith in you, otherwise I wouldn't have pushed you to do it and I hope you know that."

I looked at her and walked past her. I had nothing else to say.

I packed my stuff and immediately requested to change rooms.

We had two weeks to prepare. Every second of it was spent practicing like I did in New York. It was cold enough where the lake froze over. I left at night to practice by myself when I couldn't practice at the arena.

Then the day came.

Possibly the biggest day of my life.

I didn't have to be at the arena till 2:00 today. I went to bed early last night and I got a good nights sleep.

I did my hair and makeup better than how I've ever done it before. At least I hoped I did.

Then I packed my stuff and got to the arena by noon. Kathleen, Carly and I got ready to say goodbye to this place after today. Except for one of us who will go on to partner with one of the boys. Either me or Kathleen.

Max against Robert and me against Kathleen. I've really grown to know Carly and Kathleen. I feel bad competing.

But with my hurt leg, I doubt I'll make it very far. Kathleen deserved this.

For Max and Robert, I really have no idea. I haven't watched enough of the boys to see who I'd think would win.

Carly, Kathleen and I talked back in the room for a bit and then it was time.

I was first.

Here goes nothing.

Dallas' POV

I decided to use the last ticket I haven't used yet for myself. It was either watch Darry, Soda, and Pony fight over it or I just used it.

What's so bad about being selfish anyway? They'll see her again.

I can't let the ticket go to waste. So even if she loses, I'll at least see her skate again.

"For our first routine today, please welcome... Sadie Curtis!"

She skated on in the most casual way possible and waved to everyone with a smile plastered on her face.

If she was nervous I couldn't tell. She seemed to do this so effortlessly. So casual.

She looked real pretty in the light, too.

Jesus Christ, what am I saying?

Sadie's POV

I'm gonna do it...

Do what?


Cassidy and I cut this part out of the routine when we were practicing it, but after this week, I feel like I could do it. Instead of a scratch spin into a corkscrew spin, I moved it back a step and did a double lutz.

People cheered and cheered as the routine came to an end. I finished off with a singular axel jump.

I slowed down and stopped to look at how many people were cheering for me.

People stood up and I bowed as I slowly got towards the exit.

I'm gonna miss this.

"That was awesome, Sadie!" Kathleen said.

"I'm sure you're about to go wow the crowd and those judges just as much as I did, if not more. Good luck!"

"Good luck, Kathleen!" Carly called out.

I sighed as I sat down. "You looked awesome Sadie."

"Thanks." I said, out of breath. "I wanna watch Kathleen. Support her." I said trying to stand up without passing out from nervousness.

We stood at the door and watched as Kathleen did absolutely amazing. She really is a good skater. She deserves to win this.

Kathleen skated off and we both congratulated her as we watched Max and Robert compete for number one of the mens division.

Both were very impressive skaters.

At least I was impressed.

Now it was time.

The judges needed to make their final decision.

Normally it took thirty minutes. People went to buy snacks and socialize for a bit while the skaters just let their nerves get the best of them back here.

Can't speak for the boys, but that's how it always was back here.

But this started to go way longer.

I understood why. It was a big competition. This was even bigger. The final win.

But boy was it stressful.

The door opened leading from the hallway. Cassidy and Mrs. Dunn walked in.

"Hey, mom." Kathleen said.

I ignored Cassidy.

"Five minutes, ladies." Molly said.

I tried to calm down, but it was impossible. My hands were shaking as I put on my skates.

"Sadie, I wanna talk to you." Cassidy said.



"Yeah. I mean, I can't avoid you forever, I guess."

"I wanna say I'm sorry again. I shouldn't have said those lies to get you not to go. I just wanted what's best for you."

"Thank you." I muttered.

"Alright. Can we have everyone back to center?" Mrs. Graber announced.

We lined up in our order. Me, Kathleen and then Carly.

"Good luck!" Mrs. Dunn and Cassidy shouted at the same time.

The three of us started to skate out with the other three boys on the other side.

Carly and Jonas stepped slightly to the front.

Here is goes.

Broken IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora