"Don't worry about him, he's harmless. Quite friendly actually, and a little annoying sometimes." I said the last part loud enough so dad could really hear me. He barked in response and I saw Hermione's cat, Crookshanks run up to greet dad. I laughed and went back to paying attention to Fred. The two animals frolicked on the ground.

"Wanna go back to the dorms?" He asked with a suggestive tone and an eyebrow wiggle. I think dad heard, because he started barking at Fred. I couldn't help but laugh. Fred had no clue why the dog was so suddenly erratic.

"Sure, you go, I'll be right up." I told him and he nodded, making his way up to the castle.

I smiled and sat down next to dad on the ground and he nudged my cheek with his nose. I smiled and petted his head. It felt extremely weird petting my father, but hey, it was better than not seeing him at all. He was clearly upset about what Fred had said moments before. "Okay, I love you dad, but I gotta go up with Fred now." I said. He let out a low bark of disagreement and I laughed. "Too bad, old man, I'm going." I smiled and stood up. He gave one last bark and I waved, walking back to the castle.


I tamed my hair and straightened myself out. I looked over and saw Fred not even bothering to get up. He had a lazy smile on his lips as he watched me. I pulled my robes on over my t-shirt and skirt. I looked in the mirror on his wardrobe and fixed my mascara.

"You're a loser," I rolled my eyes and kissed him. "I'm going down to the common room, come join me if you want." I said, smiling and walking down the flight of stairs. I saw Harry staring down at something in his hands and looking distraught. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over, looking at him. I sat down on the couch next to him and tried to peak at what he was holding. He hid it from my sight.

"Harry? What's the matter?" I asked, looking at his face. He looked hesitant at first but the sighed, opening his mouth to explain.

"I almost got caught. Well, I did, but I didn't get in trouble thanks to Lupin." He said and I smiled. Good 'ol Remus. Of course he would look out for Harry. He thought of him as a son, or a nephew. Much like myself.

"Why, what happened?"

"What happened at Hogsmeade doesn't matter, it's something else. Something I saw on the map." He said quietly. He finally gave up and let me look at the paper he was holding. It was out of a book on animagus forms. It looked like he was catching on, now.

I watched him curiously. What could he have seen? "What... What did you see?" I asked him. The way he was talking made me unsure if I wanted an answer.

"I... Don't think I'm crazy, and I'm sorry if this upsets you in some way. The map said that Peter Pettigrew was here. I saw it last night, and again today." He told me. I widened my eyes in shock.

"P-Peter... I knew it! Harry! Thank you so much for telling me. Don't worry, I believe you. Where is the map now?" I asked him, shaking with anticipation. If Peter was somewhere on the Hogwarts grounds, that would prove my fathers innocence.

"Professor Lupin took it." He said. I shot up out of my seat, already moving before I spoke.

"Okay, I'll be back. Tell Fred I'm with Lupin if he asks okay?" I ask and he nods.

I ran out of the common room and down the corridors to Remus' office. I was moving so fast I almost tripped over my robes a few times. I was so excited that maybe we found a way to get my father off the hook. I needed everyone to know the truth. I knew Remus had told me he believed that dad was innocent, but I think he just said that so I wouldn't be mad at him. He has to believe me now, he couldn't deny it with it staring him in the face. I burst through the the door of his office to see him looking up at me in shock.


"Where's the map, Remus?" I got straight to the point.

"I don't know what-"

"The Marauders Map! I know you have it! I need to see it, now!" I exclaimed, frantically. He was concerned, his forehead was wrinkled with worry at my behaviour.

"Why is it such a big deal?" He asked.

"Remus, please! I'm begging you to let me see it!" I said, now in front of his desk. He sighed and rummaged through a few of his papers before handing me the familiar piece of parchment. I unfolded it and felt the memories of the old paper release on my hands. This map had helped the twins and I with so much trouble we've caused.

"To use it-"

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good!" I exclaimed and I saw Remus look at me in shock. He had no idea the map had been in my possession since I started here. Of course, I knew where it came from. The nicknames on the front were all too familiar.

"How did you-"

"Not the time!" I scanned the map carefully and looked at everything. It showed me some things that I didn't need to know, but no Peter. I slumped into a chair by a desk close to Remus' and put my head in my hands. I wanted to cry, to yell, or do anything. I couldn't. I was empty. The feeling of defeat controlled me. Maybe if I kept it, he would show himself eventually.

"Athena?" He asks me quietly.

"Don't." I whispered standing up. "Please, let me keep this. It's for more important reasons than you'd think." I finished. He nodded and I hugged him. "Sorry for bothering you." I said, sadly and started making my way back to the common room.

Proud to be Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora