—Are we friends? —

Even though I keep my eyes on my food as I ask the question, I can hear some of their movements cease, and someone's breathing stops. Why? I look at them, and Victoire stopped eating to look at me, while Strange is not blinking anymore, looking at his plate. It's not a hard question, is it?

Barney swallows his last bite, and grins, —Yeah, kid. You tend to become friends with people you fight demons with. We're like the ghostbusters. I'll show you that movie someday. —he points his fork at me, —But you're more like a nephew, you know? Or a younger cousin. I mean, technically, you are.

I smile, —That's understandable. —

—Friendships are complicated. —Wong says, shrugging, —At least for me, and many other humans. I don't know how friendships work in Asgard, but it takes me more time and trust to call one a friend. —

—Well, I mean, I don't know about friendships in Asgard either, but I think I consider you all my friends. —I take a sip of my drink, and then I add, —It might be because I almost died a few times, of course. —

Barney chuckles, —Exactly, you get it. —

—I'm kinda like Wong. —Victoire finally answers, —But I do think we're friends. Even if we weren't, we're cousins, so I can't really get rid of you. —

Strange snaps out of his trance. —Speaking of cousins, —he folds his hands under his chin, looking between Victoire and I, —Our question regards Barton and magick. While you were in Hell doing your own thing, she told us she has manifested some powers, and is surprisingly interested in learning wizardry and demon magick. Wong and I are willing to teach her about our mystic arts, so it's up to you to teach her your magick and witchcraft, if you want. —

—Oh my, —I look at Victoire, —I thought you hated witches? —she simply rolls her eyes, smiling, so I go back to Strange, —It's funny, originally I was supposed to teach you. —

He shrugs. —We'll continue trying. But Victoire has a natural tendency, and it will definitely be easier for both. —

I nod. —I will help her out, sure. Does this mean she will be staying with us? —

—Yeah! —this time she answers, —Of course I'd have to go check on my apartment sometimes, and I still have my job in SHIELD, but for the most part I'd be living here. —

Barney sighs. —Yet I can't stay. —he acts hurt, but you can tell his tone is sarcastic, —You stole my roommate, my best friend, my sister. Now I'll be living alone with a ghost and laundry I don't know how to classify. —

Victoire stays quiet, letting him dwell on how dramatic he sounds. Strange raises an eyebrow, —Did you do theatre in college? —

When his sister laughs at him, Barney simply shows Strange his middle finger, which is received with a smirk.

A familiar tingle runs down my neck.

—I actually did improv, don't get it wrong. —

Taking one last sip of my drink, I stand up, excusing myself. —I need some minutes alone, I will be in my room. —

Running upstairs and quickly locking my door behind me, I let the tingle do what it wants, as a manifestation slowly appears in the middle of my room. Django wakes up, so I grab him, calming him down as he meows at the new body in front of us.

—You look different, Starchild. —

I nod, smiling, —Yes, these clothes are midgardian. They're very comfortable. —

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