29. The Wheelers

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"Morning guys!" Mrs Wheeler's voice broke the silence. She was frying an egg by the counter and was confused by your worried expressions, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." You replied, forcing a neat grin onto your face, "Yeah, everything's okay."

"Oh.. I haven't met you before, what's your name?" Mrs Wheeler casually asked, licking the spoon she had been using to make her omelette.

Her hair had been bleached and permed but she had tied it back, ready for what must've been an aerobics class.

"Oh, it's um, Y/n." You smiled at her and so did Dustin. Only Dustin's smile was a little more awkward.

"And you're... Nancy's friend?" She asked, "Or... Mike's?"


You didn't know how to say that you didn't know either of them particularly well to the person who'd let you stay at their house for the night.

"She's part of the party.. ya know." Dustin grinned, looking at the food Mrs Wheeler was preparing, "May I?"

"Of course," She smiled back, stepping aside so he could pick up a waffle.

Mr Wheeler gave Dustin a funny look as if he disapproved so Dustin just continued to take more, practically rubbing it in the man's face.

"I honestly think it's so sweet that you're all sticking together like this." Mrs Wheeler didn't loose her smile as she spoke. You were starting to like her.

"Maybe you could try sticking together in a different house for a change." Mr Wheeler added, his eyes not leaving his newspaper. You didn't like him so much.

"You know you're welcome here anytime." Mrs Wheeler said welcomingly like the good host she was, "And it's lovely to meet you Y/n, how come I've never seen you before?"

"Well, uh," You didn't know what to say, I mean, you could exactly say solving a murder is what brought you together,  "I've only really just made friends with these guys, they've really helped after... after... well."

"If it's something personal, you don't have to tell me." Mrs Wheeler said kindly.

"No. No it's fine. It's hardly personal, it's been on the news 24/7." You shrugged.

"What has, dear?" Mrs Wheeler pried.

"All that's on the TV lately is just about the murders." Mr Wheeler mumbled, looking up curiously then realising, "Are you.. uh... a Cunningham?"

You nod.

"Oh." Mrs Wheeler looked apologetic all of a sudden, "I'm so sorry you've had to go through that. I can't even imagine the pain of loosing someone that close. If you need anything, you're always welcome here, don't be scared to knock anytime."

"Thanks." You mumbled, looking to the ground then up, since that was the best way to keep the tears from falling.

A/n- Hope ur all doing well and enjoying the stories :)

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