6. The Bungalow

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In the next ten minutes or so, you found yourself and your new friend arriving outside a small bungalow.

"So this is Dustin's house?" You asked, judging the pinkish decorations you could see through the kitchen window. They looked horrific.

"Yeah, his mum's a bit...uh..icky." Max responded, lifting a finger to the doorbell.

"Icky? What do you me-"

You didn't have time to finish your sentence because the door swung open, revealing a plump lady holding a chubby cat in her left arm.

She had messy curly hair and wore glasses that had to be at least a decade old. But, it was her bright yellow sweater covered in little pink bows that made you really understand what icky meant.

"Oh!" She looked fairly surprised to see you two, her eyebrows raised higher than you thought possible, "Are you here to see Dusty?"

You nod.

Max hadn't completely explained why you were here. She just said she had something urgent to talk to Dustin about and that she couldn't tell you now.

Dustin's mum looked surprised but welcomed you in nevertheless.

"Do you need anything? Food? Drinks?" She offered as you walked through the kitchen and towards what you assumed must be Dustin's room.

"No thank you Mrs Henderson." You gave her a nice polite smile before opening the door to the next room, then shutting it behind you.

"Max?" A boy's voice filled the room, "And... Y/n???"

It was Dustin. His room was covered in toys, sheets of paper and had a radio in the corner. It was the sort of room you'd expect a middle schooler to have, not a freshman.

"Unlikely combo." Dustin added, referring to you two.

He plonked himself down on his spinny chair, acting like some sort of buisness man.

"I know." Max said, sitting on the bed. You stood up awkwardly, not moving in case you accidentally trod on something or tripped over it.

"So.." Dustin stared directly at you, "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to ask you something. I- I didn't know who to go to. I just-" Max began but ended up mumbling off again.

She glanced to you, then glanced at the floor. It was as if she was unsure about something.

"What? What is it?" Dustin persisted, leaning forwards like he was interested.

"I.. err.. I don't know if I can say it in front of her. It's to do with... something." Max continued.

"What something?" You spoke up, "Don't act like I'm not part of this conversation, I'm pretty sure I am."

"I'm uh, I'm sorry Y/n, but you're not." Max gave you a sympathetic grimace before turning back to Dustin, "Could you wait outside? Please?"

You pull a face at the girl. But, even though you were offended, you still went along with it.

You stood up and walked towards the door, glancing back just once to see the two of them inching closer, as if telling a really dark secret.

"Bye then." You muttered under your breath as you slammed the door behind you, coming face to face with Mrs Henderson.

"Are you alright dear?" She asked, looking at you with worry in her eyes, "I just saw the news."

"W-"Your voice was cracking, "What do you mean?"

"Your sister. It's awful that you've lost her so suddenly. Although to be honest I think it's good you're going out in the world and not letting the situation turn your life upside down but you must..."

Mrs Henderson's voice faded into nothingness as your thoughts swarmed your mind, before you knew it, you found yourself with a pounding headache. It was all in your face, you just wanted it to stop, to go away.

"Lovey, you look pale, have a cup of t-" The woman was cut off by the door behind you swinging open.

Two teenagers stormed out, determined like they were on a mission.

"Come on, we've got to go." Dustin ordered. "Wait Max, are you sure Y/n has to come along?"

"Yeah, she needs us." Max gave you a reassuring grin.

"But will she believe us?" Dustin continued. He  grabbed the keys from the bowl on the desk then whispered, "Can she be trusted?"

"I don't exactly have anyone to tell." You spoke up, looking between them hopefully, "I'm quite good at keeping secrets."

"That's good enough for me." Dustin shrugged, pulling at the door handle, "Alright bye mom."

The door opened, letting the sunlight wash into the room. The others made their way out, ignoring Mrs Henderson's farewell.

"Bye." You added, leaving that crumbly little bungalow, hopefully for good.

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