3. The News

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The next morning, you found yourself waking up in a cold sweat. It took you a couple of minutes to remember that you were fine, you were save and you were home.

You pulled a shirt on and made your way downstairs. Your parents had been asleep when you got back home last night so you had quietly snuck into bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

You glided into the kitchen and put a couple of waffles in the toaster, just in time to hear your mum's voice coming from the living room.

"You alright sweetie?" She asked. Her kindness was all fake. You were old enough to realise that.

"Yeah." You grunted, fiddling through the kitchen drawers.

"Was the game good?" Your mum hadn't even bothered moving from the couch, "I heard on the radio we won!"

"Yeah.. we did." You mumbled, preparing your breakfast and making your way into the lounge to sit beside her.

Your dad usually got to choose what was on the TV but when he was at work your mum tended to put on what she wanted.

You didn't mind since usually your dad would watch the news and that was particularly dull, especially in a town like Hawkins.

However, this time, your mum was watching cartoons and you were sure she was too old for that.

"Well, what crap are you watching today?" You sighed, biting into your waffles.

"Language, young lady!" She snapped, glaring at you but you paid no attention. Instead, you immediately stood up and made your way back into the kitchen. You couldn't be bothered with her today.

"Darling, before you go, have you seen your sister?" She asked, glancing at you hopefully.

"No," You furrowed your eyebrows, "Wait.. are you saying she didn't come home last night?"

"I thought she was with you." The woman's eyes widened with worry.

You shook your head vigorously.

"Eh, she's probably at Jason's, you know how young people are like." She rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the TV.

You were starting to get worried now. What if something had happened to her?

You were just about to pick up the phone to call Jason's house when you heard the doorbell ring.

A flood of relief washed over you. She must've stayed the night and just had a lift over. You had got yourself worked up over nothing.

"Darling... come and watch the news... it's horrible."

You ignored your mothers voice from across the hall and went to the door to let Chrissy in.

However, when you got to the door, you were met with an unfamiliar face. It was the chief of police. Detective Powell.

"Uh.. can I help you officer?" You asked, feeling a little nervous as to why the police were on your doorstep.

"We've got some news regarding your sister, Christiana Jane Cunningham." He announced, his face looking solemn.

Fear shot through your system.

"What is it?" You asked, looking warily.

"Can I come in?" The detective continued, "You might want to sit down."

You didn't know what was happening. But you did know that Chrissy was in deep shit.

And you still had no idea where she was.

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