5. The New Friend

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You turned around to face her. She was making her way towards you from behind. She walked anxiously, as if approaching a bomb.

"You know who it is in there, don't you?" Max asked, her voice sympathetic.

"Yeah." You held back a sob, wiping the tears that were streaming from your eyes.

"It's tough.." She added, not quite making eye contact, "..loosing someone."

"I know." You nodded, scrunching your face together.

Max lost her older brother in the mall fire the other year so you guessed she'd understand what you were going through.

She was in your year and in some of your classes. She transferred from California two years ago. You seemed to remember that your sister had gone out with her brother at one point, but they'd split up long before his death.

Max was a skater, and always seemed to get straight As without studying. She was friends with the nerds but if you got her talking, she'd be nice to anyone.

But since she came to high school it seemed as if she'd gone quiet, numb to the world. She never spoke anymore, she always had her headphones on. And when she did speak, she'd always use sarcasm as a barrier, or a self protection mechanism, something like that.

Maybe it was her brothers death that did it to her. You hoped that you wouldn't become as numb to the world as she had.

"You know who did this, don't you? You live here. You must've seen." You looked to Max for answers, she just shook her head worriedly.

"I- I- don't know." She managed.

It was painfully obvious that she was lying. And the thought she would do that hurt you even more.

"It was Eddie, wasn't it." You clenched your jaw and curled your fists with rage.

"I don't know for sure." Max still didn't look you in the eye.

"Come on Max." You persisted, "You must know more." You lower your voice to a whisper, desperate at this point, "...please....please tell me."

"I- I- can't." Max turned away. "I need to talk to- I need to talk to Dustin now."

She strode away, back to her cabin. You chased after her, hurrying across the road and persistently following her.

"Dustin? Dustin Henderson? What's he gonna do? How's he got anything to do with this?" You continued, hoping to get something out of the girl.

"It doesn't matter." Max turned back to look at you. Her face was deadly serious. "Look.. I know it's hard to loose someone but you can't focus on the rage. Be grateful for who you still have and make the most of it. Don't make the mistake I've made. Keep your friends close."

You pulled back and let her walk ahead as you processed what she'd just said.

The truth was, you didn't really have anyone to go to. Your friends always left you out and your only true friend was your sister. You didn't want to speak to your parents so realistically... you had no one.

"Max.." You croaked, sadness creeping into your voice again.

"Yeah." She turned back to you, almost back inside her cabin now.

"I- I- I don't really have anyone to- I- I- Can I just stay with you? Please?"

You looked at her longingly. You really did need someone. Someone who understood. Someone like her.

She thought about what you'd just said for a couple of seconds before sighing. "Sure."

Maybe she was being soft on you because she understood or maybe she just couldn't be bothered to shake you off. Either way you were grateful.

You'd found a new friend.

A/n- The votes and reads are awesome thanks :)
If you want more stranger things 4 content, I've written one about the California part of things on my profile

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