14. The Brainstorming Phase

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The next day, you arrived at Eddie's little shack with food for him. It seemed Dustin had been busy with his spare time and had already obtained plenty of information about the current situation.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Dustin asked, watching as Eddie downed his chocolate milk.

"Bad news, always." Eddie declared. In fairness, you agreed with him about that.

"Alright, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkin's PD dispatch with cerebro and the police are looking for you. They're also pretty sure you killed Y/n's sister."

"Like 100% kinda convinced." Max said, looking a little worried for the guy.

"And the good news?" Eddie asked, digging into his cereal.

"Your name hasn't gone public yet." Robin said, "But if we found out about you then it's only a matter of time before others do to. And then once that gets out, everyone and their shallow minded mother is going to be gunning for you."

Robin's pessimism was almost amusing, but Eddie clearly didn't think it was that.

"Hunt the freak right?" The boy's face contorted with horror.

"Exactly." Robin said

"So before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him and then prove your innocence." Dustin declared.

You didn't really have any ideas with this. You were smart but not as smart as Dustin so you decided you might as well let him do this.

"Listen, Eddie, I know what Dustin's saying sounds totally delusional but we've actually been through this kind of thing before." Robin pointed out.

"They have a few times." Robin continued, "And I have once."

"And I have non-ce" You add, grinning at your awful joke.

"Well, we usually rely on this girl who was superpowers but those went bye bye so uh-" Steve began but Robin cut across him.

"So we're technically in more of the uh.."

"Brainstorming phase." Max finished.

"Brainstorming."Steve confirmed.

"There's nothing to worry about." Dustin says.

You didn't know why but all this talking was making you more worried than anything. You glanced at Eddie and shared an equalled cofunded look.

But suddenly, your thoughts were cut off by the wailing siren of what must be... police cars?

"Tarp." Robin instructed Eddie to hide in the boat and cover himself.

He did exactly that as everyone else rushed to the window to get a better look at the cars.

But to your surprise, they weren't coming towards you lot. No. They were heading to back towards the trailer park.

Maybe there had been another murder.

Vecna could be at it again.

A/n- I honestly can't decide if my favourite season of Stranger Things is season 2 or 4.

I mean season 4 has a better plot but I feel like they've done some of the characters dirty like poor Johnathan got no screen time, Will's whole personality is now being gay and Stancy seems kinda forced idk.

Wait what's everyone's fav season? I think if I had to rank them it'd be 2,4,1,3

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